denny (Stranger)
11-08-02 21:18
No 377895
      Brightstar vs Dr Drool / methyl man  Bookmark   

Reading both workup's Im finding conflicting differences in methods used. Brightstar removes the oxide off the al where Methyl Man does not. why ball up the al in a coffee grinder? other things like addition rates, heating, cooling, washes ect ect. Can anyone come up with a uniform work up that everyone agrees on will work flawlessly
11-08-02 22:18
No 377919
      Most..  Bookmark   

Most tend to choose the Methyl Man Tech. I believe the Brightstar Method was around first and alot of stuff in the Methyl Man tech was improvments that started circulating on the Hive

I used my glassware to make beef stoganoff. It was exellent!
(Hive Bee)
11-12-02 00:05
No 378934
      MethylMan's is a lot better, in my experience.  Bookmark   

MethylMan's is a lot better, in my experience.  Grinding the al-foil make's it easier to stir.  It is damn near impossible to get the stirbar going in a BrightStar Al/Hg.  Especially if your dumb enough (as I was) to do it in a 500Ml RB as he says. 

I originally made my MDP2P via MM & thought I'd try a BS Al/Hg for shits & giggles.  I fucked up the Methylamine synth 1st 2 times I tried it & the BS Al/Hg was a joke (only tried it once & with the 500ml RB which wasn't stirring & had shit pouring out of it because the flask was way too small.  I succeeded using MM's Al/Hg 1st time.

Without a doubt these failures were also due to my poor lab-technique & lack of experience.  But MM's is written so clearly it's pretty hard for anyone to mess it up, even newbee's.
(Hive Addict)
11-12-02 21:02
No 379162
      Differences  Bookmark   

The only major difference between the two are the methylamine source - methylamine.HCl verses nitromethane. Since using nitromethane will require more aluminum to reduce it to methylamine MethylMan figured using a coffee grinder would cut and compress the Al to make it easier to stir.

Both methods in fact amalgamate the Al2O3. BrightStar chose to flush and rinse the mercury amalgam out prior to the ketone reduction. Leaving it in will not hinder the ketone reduction, as MM did, but requires removing it after reaction is complete.

MM uses a drip rate to control the reaction speed. BS uses an ice bath to slow the reaction when needed.

Both methods produce the same result. They are just different methods, not conflicting at all.

Hope this helps your understanding.

there's a big difference between criticizing your government and criticizing your country
11-14-02 23:17
No 379894
      many thanks  Bookmark   

Thanks to all the bee's who helped make things clear.
my main concern was that of safty. also with respect to nitromethane, isnt pure nitromethane made for the folks who race funny cars? I beleave they mix their own fuel.
Ill have the answer from a local race shop latter on today.
(Hive Addict)
11-16-02 01:42
No 380199
      You also may find it interesting to compare the ...  Bookmark   

You also may find it interesting to compare the yields of BS vs. MM. I think of BS as a foundational document for some reason, probably because it was the first document I read on Rhodium's page.

The above post is purely fictional. Any resemblance to "real-life" is purely coincidental.