k0dog (Stranger)
11-17-02 13:43
No 380553
      Ketamine fb solvants vs. Ketamine HCl non-solvants  Bookmark   

Ok, I know that almost any non-polar that is PURE will act as a solvant to fb Ketamine, and not for HCl.

Now my question is really it is possble to use say,
1. Can some use ultrasene instead of toluene, for gassing?
2. How pure iis the Ultrasene that is used as camp fuel?
3. Will Isopropyl alcohol work? (I know that it will hold ketamine HCl (when heated and not when cold) but will it dissolve fB?)
4. Does anyone have any other solvants taht might dissolve fB ketamine but not HCl?

P.S. throught the grapevines, I heard taht toluene was becoming illegal in Canada.  Can anyone confirm or disprove this?

"Vanity is defintely my favourite sin"
-Devil's advocate
(Chief Bee)
11-17-02 22:02
No 380599
      1) Not reccommended. 2) It is of unknown ...  Bookmark   

1) Not reccommended.
2) It is of unknown composition, probably even to the manufacturer - it simply consists if the cheapest petroleum distillate they could buy at the time.
3) IPA will probably dissolve the freebase, yes.
4) Ether, hexane (petroleum ether), xylene etc etc.

PS) Not likely. They may at most impose restriction of OTC sale of it.
11-18-02 10:03
No 380769
      ???  Bookmark   

I'm just trying to find more easily accessible chemical(non-polar) that is safe to dissolve the fb Ketamine into, and that can be purchased easily OTC.... Any suggestions?  Like naptha, or ultrasene were my guesses but they seem kinda scetcky cuz (as you mentioned) of the unknown chemical formula....

Please any suggestions for OTC non-polar solvants would be very helpful....

"Vanity is defintely my favourite sin"
-Devil's advocate