brettybaby (Stranger)
11-21-02 00:02
No 381807
      purification of safrol Question  Bookmark   

Hello, Ima newbie so I would like to ask a newbie Question.

If swip were to try to purify sassafras oil by washing with glacial acidic acid. then with dh20 and then add some denaturated alcohol to that and put that on a simple distillation

Is it possible to burn everything at 110degrees C :(
(Hive Bee)
11-21-02 02:30
No 381821
      ...  Bookmark   

Hello, Ima newbie so I would like to ask a newbie Question.

Do it in Newbie forum.

"Turn on, Tune in and Drop Out"
(Stoni's sexual toy)
11-21-02 04:44
No 381841
      That procedure doesn't work.  Bookmark   

That procedure doesn't work.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
11-21-02 05:28
No 381852
      Just distill your sassy oil.  Bookmark   

Just distill your sassy oil. Your safrole will be fine like that. If your worried about purity, distill it twice.

I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it.-Charlie Chaplin

11-21-02 06:01
No 381862
      Or  Bookmark   

you could send your sassafras oil to me and I will distill it. I promise to post back if I have success.

"Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits." Satchel Paige
11-21-02 10:46
No 381898
      to what temperature do i distill to at 110 c ...  Bookmark   

to what temperature do i distill to

at 110 c everything was distilled

i thought safrol would boil at 234 C

swip was takin the temp from the 3way adapter on top
please advice swip
11-21-02 11:10
No 381902
      depends on what kind of vacuum you have, at about ...  Bookmark   

depends on what kind of vacuum you have, at about 7-10 torr SWIM was getting sassy oil at around 113 C, that is roughly 29.6 in HG
(Chief Bee)
11-21-02 11:19
No 381904
      The boiling point of acetic acid is ~110°C.  Bookmark   

The boiling point of acetic acid is ~110°C. Are you distilling the right thing?
11-21-02 12:47
No 381931
      followed direction froms strikes book mixed ...  Bookmark   

I did not use a vacuum NONEUKNOW :)

followed direction froms strikes book TS2

mixed sassafras oil with glacial acidic acid top layer acid bottom layer Oil as described in the book by TDK.

i read more here and found that mixing with acidic acid is a waste of time just distill the oil correct.  i have one more chance on this.

WOW I REALLY MESSED UP MY FLASK :( its black at the bottom
(Chief Bee)
11-21-02 12:58
No 381936
      That part of TSII was incorrect.  Bookmark   

That part of TSII was incorrect.
11-21-02 19:48
No 382095
      You definitely need a vacuum source  Bookmark   

I dont know what your plans are but you should invest in a good vaccuum source. Do more research and you'll realize you cant go without it. You have to do your homeworks if you want to succeed. And that includes reading tons of posts using TFSE.
If you really want it you can do it but take your time and make sure you understand what youre doing. You will always run into unexpected trouble when you first master the basic techniques. I wouldnt try to learn using that precious oil.
11-21-02 20:08
No 382106
      I wish strike would have caught the little error ...  Bookmark   

I wish strike would have caught the little error on TS2 by TDK about purification
11-22-02 23:08
No 382517
      There is another way to distill  Bookmark   

your oil. Just place your sassy oil in the frig at 11 degrees c for a day. Take a small amount about 3drops place that in the freeze (the drops will freeze solid) take those frozen drops and place in your now cold oil. Put the oil back in frig at 11 degrees c and cystals should start appearing in moments.
Let it cystalize for 24 hours (maybe over doing it but) then drain the unfrozen liquid into another container.
Take the cystals and let them come to room temp (they will melt)
Now place the melted cystals back into frig at 11 degrees c
They should recystalize (if not do the 3 drops trick again)
Do this 3 or 4 times pouring off the uncrystalized stuff each time. This will give you high purity safrol.
Safrol is illegal. So on second thought don't do this.

"Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits." Satchel Paige