PissyBee (Hive Bee)
11-21-02 16:12
No 381983
      Help, please!(extraction?)  Bookmark   

Okay SWIM boiled two feet of Peruvian Torch, for a few hours, in very acidic water, and strained two times.  Then he decided he would try something he heard with jello(bad idea).  SWIM took the cup of alkaloids/acidic water and mixed into jello, but jello was so nasty, he decided to just boil it down to half a cup and chug.  Still couldn't handle it, too acidic and it almost hurt to drink.  So, finally, he decided to boil it down til it started to get thick, then let it dry out and cut it into pieces and swallow but, while boiling, SWIM dozed off and when he woke up it wa just starting to stick to the bottom.  There was still liquid, though, so he figured there may still bee some god stuff left.  SWIM was wondering if the stuff sticking to the bottom could have been the sugar, that he added when he decided to try and drink it, carmelising and if he should try to scrape it off(very hard) in case it sill had any alkaloids in it.  OR, should he just take the remaining liquid and try to basify it, then wash with xylene and seperate to try and get some mesc. freebase?  Also, does anyone know if there could still even bee any alkaloids left after SWIMs boo-boo, and will the jello mix and sugar seperate with the water or will it come over in the xylene?  If anybee has any suggestions or answers, please, help?  SWIM knows he should have just extracted it in the first place, but he figured it wouldn't bee worth the hassle for only one dose!  Now SWIM knows he was stupid, etc. and mescaline is useless if he can't get it down.  Please Help!
(Hive Bee)
11-21-02 18:08
No 382035
      Also, I can't find Ph paper and was wondering...  Bookmark   

if anyone could give me an approximation at how much lye(NAOH)to add to about how much water, to make a basic solution to add to my half a cup of acidic(Ph~1)solution that would bring the ph to about 11?  Thanks, I know I might have to go get the red cabbage, but I really don't want to.  Any help would bee GREATLY appreciated!
(Hive Bee)
11-21-02 19:06
No 382068
      Okay, so I started, anyway, and...  Bookmark   

and I used some pool test strips that don't go as high as I need them to but, I am trying to judge it,anyway, by the color.  I have added the xylene and swirled and stirred and it has seperated nicely, but I don't see any color in the xylene and I read somewhere that after you evap. the solvent your left with yellow honey oil.  Should drain the bottom and save the xylene and repeat or should I maybe try to basify some more then do it?  Please, help, I know I can't store the basic solution for too long becaue it will start to destroy the mesc. but how long could I leave it?  Thanks, again!
(Hive Addict)
11-21-02 19:35
No 382082
      A couple of days should bee ok, just make sure to ...  Bookmark   

A couple of days should bee ok, just make sure to keep it air-tight and cold.  Swim went from acidic to basic and consumed from there.  Just so swiy knows, the freebase form stores just fine (with usual precautions), and it works just as well, although less is required per dose.  BTW, ifn its yellow, it still needs more defatting. 

Im not the bearded man upstairs, Im a bald guy with a healthy penis. So open yer pie-hole!