BlingBling (Hive Bee)
12-16-02 13:58
No 390065
      2,5-Dimethoxynitrostyrene legal ?  Bookmark   

Is it illegal to make or posses this chemical in either the US or Canada?

No current info on it's legal status anywhere to be found..

Thanx in advance. smile
(Hive Addict)
12-16-02 14:12
No 390069
      Well, 2,5 DMB is a recognized precursor to the ...  Bookmark   

Well, 2,5 DMB is a recognized precursor to the schedule 1 substance 2-CB, at least in the us.  So if you made the nitrostyrene out of it, then the prosecution could make a pretty good case against you for taking steps to get to the final controlled product.  So if you got caught making it, then you would probably g to jail, whether it was officially illegal or not.

It is seductive, way too seductive.             -Eleusis
(Hive Bee)
12-16-02 15:40
No 390100
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Thanx Zoro smile