Rhodium (Chief Bee)
01-07-03 14:10
No 396240
      The Visual Organic Chem Lab - Tutorial Website  Bookmark   

The Visual Organic Chemistry Laboratory (http://www.4chemistry.org/)

A wonderful newbee resource, with FAQ's on common lab techniques, pictures of lab gear and much more!
01-07-03 17:13
No 396295
      Once again a big thanks  Bookmark   

Once again a big thanks Rhodium
for this site , just had a look at
it and it's just what i needed.
A must for all newbeesmile

       " Better to be than not to Bee "
(Hive Addict)
01-07-03 17:20
No 396298
      A complementary to that above;  Bookmark   

Another one: Post 393518 (pHarmacist: "LOOK! Org. Chem. Lab. Online - With Pictures -", Newbee Forum)

Accept No Immitations, There Can Only Be One; www.the-hive.ws
(Hive Bee)
01-07-03 19:14
No 396328
      great resource  Bookmark   

hailz and suppport!!!

i cook to save the planet!!