chiliuno (Newbee)
01-31-03 19:10
No 403165
      glassware  Bookmark   

it took me lots of glassware to get to the point where i get consistent and wasteless yields from steam distillation...
so i'm a shity chemist, but hey, at least i've gotten good at making pyrex.  any newbee that needs a tutorial on making/fixing pyrex, lemme know and i'll walk you through it.  it's easy, cheap, and can be done at home with any torch laying about.

i used TFSE...just answer TFQ!
02-01-03 10:15
No 403323
      define "any torch"  Bookmark   

pyrex usealy needs an o2/fule flame torch. a reg propane plumbers torch WILL do small tubeing like for bends and stuff. in like 9-12mm tube. but any thing bigger then that and you will be there for ever trying to heat it enought to get the glass to move. i have seen some pretty big stuff blown on a victor welding torch tho. prob when doing big things or pcs that have thick and thin parts in the same pcs. is anealing them. you usealy need to anneal the pcs at about 1,050f then bring the heat down slowly over a few hours to 400f before taking out of the kiln. but there are ghetto ways of doing that part also.
(Hive Bee)
02-01-03 10:53
No 403354
      i have an oxy-acteline torch i have laying...  Bookmark   

i have an oxy-acteline torch i have laying around for minor welding...i use that.
the guy who is teaching me all about the finer points of glassblowing is a former corning employee, and i could ask him about the specific temps of this or that, he's a lexicon when it comes to glass.  he taught me as a rule of thumb that cooling is to be done no faster than -100f/hour.  and yes, he has an old pizza oven setup that gets super hot instead of a proper kiln, so i guess that can be done ghetto fabulous, lol...

i used TFSE...just answer TFQ!