Cept (Hive Bee)
04-21-03 06:57
No 428308
      Brainstorming Stirbars  Bookmark   

The egg-shaped spinbar cracked out of the teflon casing upon crushing it with a pair of pliers to get it to fit in to the 24/40 flask.
  Up till now, it was just wrapped in teflon, but interesting it is that no matter what liquid it goes into, it 'looks' like the liquid permeated it deeply.

  Question is, will using the wrapped or raw metal spincore, in an oxone epoxidation of isosafrole be a suicide clause in respect to health and more importantly yield{smile}? (Per)acids and metals are a no-no right?

  what are some options/alternatives besides swilling it allnight by hand?
(Chief Bee)
04-21-03 19:01
No 428419
      Reccommendation  Bookmark   

Get a new stir-bar, the peracid may decompose faster than it reacts when metal ions from the magnet leaches out from it.

At the same time, go buy yourself a new attitude, putting reaction yield before health concerns is disgusting. That kind of greed is what makes the world the bad place it is today...
(Hive Bee)
04-22-03 14:48
No 428642
      apology  Bookmark   

i'm sorry chief, if i implied that it was my intent.

fact is, it was said semi-sarcastically-to make the point that you followed up with.

In actuality a milk jug was shaken by hand ALL night, with NO stirrer, but thanks for your concern.

What makes the world a bad place is 'our' lack of understanding.

so sorry.
(Hive Addict)
04-23-03 05:13
No 428827
      a steel nail or rod  Bookmark   

in a glasstube, both ends melted closed (careful, no sharp scratching ends, rounded softly!) makes a fine stirrbar. Quick and easy (a propane torch of course is needed....)

there was a time before TEFLON!
ask lugh! laugh
(Hive Bee)
04-23-03 21:14
No 429011
      how about pens?  Bookmark   

my best idea was maybe a bic-pen made of polypropylene and end caps...so many pens, but didnt have material code on them...just stuff the core into it...

maybe PP plastic-wrap or soemthing similar....

..tis sketchy ghetto-business