pericles (Stranger)
04-22-03 20:12
No 428703
      Hydrochloric gas reactions  Bookmark   

When using hydrochloric gas, are there any materials I should avoid using in the procedure? I'm worried about reactions between rubber stoppers / tubing or plastic tubing and the hydrochloric gas in contact with them affecting the end product. (MDMA in this case, following Dr Drool's synthesis description) Is this nothing to be concered over, or should I take special steps to avoid unwanted reactions?
(Hive Bee)
04-22-03 22:35
No 428738
      what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger!  Bookmark   


tons of writeups on gassing apparatuses with what to use.

Just work it baby!
04-22-03 22:51
No 428740
      Done  Bookmark   

I managed to do that before I posted the question.

The problem is, while there are plenty of writeups on gassing aparatus, none of them seem to answer the question. I'm assuming it must be common knowledge or something, because no one seems to even mention it.

I've ordered The Organic Chemistry Lab Survival Guide, I'm hoping that it will be able to fill me in on this stuff that it's just assumed you know.
(Hive Bee)
04-23-03 01:38
No 428779
      mlar use the search engine better mlar mlar  Bookmark   

plastic, rubber.  Don't bother trying to seal with epoxies.
I've had success sticking with rubber stoppers, glass, pvc tape if you need to use it.  
hcl corrodes metal. yes even stainless steel so stay away from metal.

I still think you're not looking hard enough cuz there's a very detailed ghetto gears out there on as well as recent one from videoeditor which is VERY OTC.    g00dj0b  ;>

Just work it baby!
04-23-03 03:48
No 428803
      Whoops.  Bookmark   

Bah! I'd forgotten to check rhodium!

Upon checking, ../rhodium /hclgas.argox.html turns out to be very useful. It warns that HCl gas will react with rubber stoppers, which is sort of worrying, but also says that it doesn't do so at a terribly rapid rate. I guess that means it won't happen rapidly enough to hurt the MDMA. As well, the product of the rubber/HCl reaction probably won't be gaseous anyway. Unless   someone says otherwise, I won't be concerned about the rubber stoppers.

Thanks for your help, I'll be sure to check in addition to UTFSE in the future. I'll have to think of a way to give something back to The Hive once this is done, be it a photodocumentary of the process, or a donation, or something.
(Hive Bee)
04-23-03 07:28
No 428862
      mlar  Bookmark   

just don't kill yourself in the process.
If it's your first gassing, try to do it outside or in your garage.  Not indoors.

If you find metals you have around in your garage rusted, use CLR to clean the rust off. 

I never had problems with rubber stoppers before.  I do rinse all my gear afterwards. 

I myself am going to from now on gas IPA and then just dump it in the np layer.
Sounds helluva less stressful spending a whole day on gassing and storing the likwid ipa then just mixing it in your np layer to get yer crystals.

What do you mean by hurting your mdma crystals? 
Just be aware, the only way you will hurt your crystals is if you have water in your NP layer due to not drying it. 

The beauty of gassing in most cases is that once you are done bonding all the freebase with the hcl gas to make make it into its salt form the gas just bubbles out of the solution.

I found it logical *shrugglez*, putting the container containing the liqwid to be gassed in to a cold water in a water bath 5 mins before gassing and then gas slowly.

Just work it baby!
04-23-03 09:34
No 428894
      I think it'll be OK  Bookmark   

just don't kill yourself in the process.
If it's your first gassing, try to do it outside or in your garage.  Not indoors.

Yeah, a garage is the plan. I plan to gas it in a 2 neck flask, with each neck containing a glass tube / stopper going down a few inches. One tube will be connected to the HCl generator, and the other tube will be connected to plastic tubing or something leading outside a window. (Possibly with a stop to bubble through some water first to try to reduce the worst of it)

What do you mean by hurting your mdma crystals?
Just be aware, the only way you will hurt your crystals is if you have water in your NP layer due to not drying it. 

My concern was in having the HCl react with the rubber stoppers (or plastic tubing) and as a result take creepy carbon chains into my MDMA. If it's not a problem for everyone else though, I think I can safely assume I'll be fine.

Since I'm talking about this attempt anyway, would anyone be a little freaked out if they saw an (unnamed) online store offering a particularly amazing sale (like, 60% off) on sassafras oil? It seems a bit too good to be true. Has anyone ever heard of amazing sales of the oil being used to gather name/address information?
(Hive Addict)
04-23-03 14:26
No 428943
      Do not do it in garage.Raf has a garage that...  Bookmark   

Do not do it in garage.Raf has a garage that is a lab at the same time and he once did gassing in garage and will never again.Everything made out of metal(aluminium,ferrum doesn't matter,maybe SS is bit more resistant) will rust hard especially if it's bit humid there.Do it outside at night.

For those about to synth,we salute you
04-24-03 01:14
No 429043
      Vent  Bookmark   

why not vent it into a flask of Na bicarbonate first?
04-24-03 04:19
No 429067
      Oh yeah.  Bookmark   

Of course, that's the perfect solution. Can't believe I missed that. Thanks.