bdbro (Stranger)
04-25-03 17:54
No 429345
      UNCLE FESTER'S BOOKS  Bookmark   

i would like to buy a copy of one of uncle festers books, when reading the reviews i saw that Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture is said to be not for beginners.
what about Advanced Techniques of Clandestine Psychedelic & Amphetamine Manufacture? can anybody please advise if this book is ok for a newbee having nearly no knowledge in chemistry.
or if anybody can recommend any other good book on this sunbject i would be very  grateful.
(One Man Show)
04-25-03 18:03
No 429347
      As the title indicates....  Bookmark   

As the title indicates.... "advanced"

You would be best served reading the plethora of information here and on Rhodi's page that is available for free.

Baby steps...

"...somebody is feeding these damn animals booze." Fear & Loathing
04-25-03 20:03
No 429362
      thanks  Bookmark   

thanks for the help
i have read the info you mentioned
i will reread them, matbe i will understand more the second time around
(Hive Bee)
04-25-03 22:17
No 429388
      a book not on the "subject", but...  Bookmark   

a book not on the "subject", but with some good informations about chemistry in general would bee for me:
informations in chapter 1, Organic Chemistry, sec.ed. 1976 from Allinger, Cava, deJongh and others
or the German translation: Organische Chemie, 1980, Allinger...

In the darkest night is the day the nearest.. (TonSteineSch)
04-26-03 09:04
No 429494
      Zubrick  Bookmark   

Get The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual by James W. Zubrick.

I've seen used copies on amazon for $3.
04-26-03 19:08
No 429598
      vogels  Bookmark   

Also vogels will help your level of understanding advance rather quickly as well.tongue

And the bees make honey in the lions den.-GD
(Distinctive Doe)
04-27-03 02:29
No 429663
      The info here is better than anything Fester...  Bookmark   

The info here is better than anything Fester has or will write.

I wonder if he's been hanging out recently copying stuff from here for his next book.

Buy Total Synthesis II, its geared to MDMA but you'll probably learn more thats applicable in it than from fester.  Plus you'll bee supporting a nicer guy.
(Hive Addict)
04-27-03 02:53
No 429667
      true  Bookmark   

Buy Total Synthesis II, its geared to MDMA but you'll probably learn more thats applicable in it than from fester.  Plus you'll bee supporting a nicer guy.

I want to second that. Of all surreptitious books I have, Strike's Total Synthesis II in only one of the few that is really good. There are 964526% less errors then in Fester's book(s). Admitted that a book written by "Uncle Fester" sounds more alluring then a work by "Strike" (I presented both works to a handful of friends some time ago, and they all agreed that Uncle Fester's books sounded much more promising, although they know as much about chemistry as my dog does), TS II really is the thing to go for wink.

The faster you run, the quicker you die.
04-29-03 18:03
No 430215
      Where to buy?  Bookmark   

Im sure this has been covered in the search engine but i might as well ask while the post is new. Where can i get total synth ii besides amazon bc they want like 40 bucks for a paperback. i have sources and zubrick but id like to pick up total synth just to understand how the chemistry works behind the synth. Any help?

im just a bee tryin to make some honey
(Hive Addict)
04-29-03 18:53
No 430225
      40 bucks  Bookmark   

Most ppl here have a 2nd profession which gives them 40 bucks/min. Maybe you are an exception, but I don't think so tongue. You can try to search for used books if US$ 40 is that much: amazon, alibris, abebooks.
I bought mine for US$9 smile. I found "Total Synthesis" as a website for used books. It was advertised at the first edition. When I ordered it, they sent me TSII. Not that I bothered, my original TSII was "partially vanished" due to close encounters with hydrochloric acid crazy.

The faster you run, the quicker you die.
04-30-03 13:42
No 430392
      homeslice...  Bookmark   

After reading your thread concerning the recent search and seizure at your home I think you'd better think long and hard about what supplies or books you keep in the house. It's time for you to keep your nose clean. Have a friend order TS II for you. Just my two cents...
04-30-03 20:41
No 430445
      i know  Bookmark   

i appreciate that calcium and it wouldnt be kept at my house anyway and neither would any other books or supplies. i just figured id ask for an input on this while its a new thread as ive looked for cheap used books before and came up short. and no 40 bucks US isnt alot of money to me but i might as well ask  tongue

im just a bee tryin to make some honey
04-30-03 23:40
No 430474
      homeslice  Bookmark   

I'm guessing you're an eighteen to twenty one year old undergrad who wants to cook some X, Y or Z. Your posts in various threads indicate that you want information on how to safely acquire chems, equipment and information on clandestine chemistry just after having your apartment searched for drugs and that you're chomping at the bit to get cooking. WTF?
     Just relax, take a breath and realize that LE has a telephoto lens up your butt. You aren't cooking anything my boy. Not til after graduation. Life is long, drugs will be there for you to make when the time and circumstances are right and prison sucks worst than everything. Buy any freakin book you want but don't do anything illegal.
     Chill out and buy your dope for a few years, read the Hive in the meantime and take some O'Chem classes. Maybe you can provide some good info here. Just relax and stay out of prison. Graduate and get a job for Christ's sake. Just an old curmudgeon's free advice. Take it for what it's worth. Or don't.
(Hive Bee)
05-06-03 15:54
No 431722
      A Nicer Guy?  Bookmark   

Plus you'll be supporting a nicer guy.

Who knows? I like Uncle Fester,he seems to be a pretty nice guy to me. As for Strike, I've never had any direct contact with him so I can't say, allthough I do have some of his books. Does anyone know if Strike has ever made a video as did Uncle Fester?
Peace Out!

05-06-03 23:14
No 431784
      It all depends  Bookmark   

It doesn't take an experienced chemist to understand the content of Fester's books.  However, some of the methods are best left alone by the beginner, as they are dangerous if done incorrectly.  For the non-chemist with high intelligence and motivation to learn, Fester's books offer the information to successfully synthesize many substances.  I can tell you this as a fact, as I began synthesizing meth with these books.  Just remember that Fester often leaves out some information in his descriptions, so you should always do extra research just to be safe.  This is what I have done, and it has turned out to be a success.

Dr. Nasty