rotteneggzorz (Stranger)
04-25-03 19:34
No 429360
      Theb best method  Bookmark   

I was just wondering what you bee's think is the best method on making mdma.
(Hive Bee)
04-25-03 20:08
No 429363
      From N-methyl-oxime, which is reduced via Al...  Bookmark   

From N-methyl-oxime, which is reduced via Al[Hg]

try being a little more specific in you questioning... It'll increase the usefullnes of the answers greatly ;)

Cops are not there to help you, they're there to bust you.
(Hive Addict)
04-26-03 03:37
No 429437
      the one that works  Bookmark   

for you.
where you are able to get the precursors without risking your ass.
where you get more ketone as tar.
where you donīt burn down the lab.

your method is the best.
what is your method?
how can I know?

nothing special