london (Stranger)
05-21-03 19:03
No 434580
      Steam Distillation for idiots??  Bookmark   

Hi I have posted a question on how to extract Thujone from Sage. I was answered to do "Steam distil it just like every other essential oil we know and love. "  and after "You'll need to fractionally vacuum distill if you are looking for thujone alone (99%+ pure).  "

Can anyone explain what the hell is steam distilation for me, and how to do it. I don't quite know these techniques and what they mean.

(Hive Bee)
05-22-03 01:17
No 434633
      May I suggest a search engine?  Bookmark   

There are search engines on the internet which love to provide useful information on many topics of interest. Steam distillation and fractional distillation are undoubtedly amongst them.
(Hive Bee)
05-22-03 15:45
No 434728
      Steam distillation requires probrably the most  Bookmark   

Steam distillation requires probrably the most basic essentials of lab equipment...I don't want to sound like a dickhead flamer but from one beezer to the next, UTFSE™ and sit on your ass and read about anything and everything you can get your hands on at The Hive™ too! cause if your trying to make MDMA, and your asking about steam distillin''ll post another 200 posts asking questions where every answer will be UTFSE lol. but then again...if your serious about this, reading ain't a task, it's a privelage

I would tell you, but then I would have to kill you!
(Hive Bee)
05-22-03 16:36
No 434738
      Rhodium's site  Bookmark   

There are at least 3 distillation-related articles under the heading Chemicals and Equipment on Rhodium's site and one under multimedia.  The site is  Read these articles, especially the one entitled basic lab techniques.  Then you'll learn how to recrystallize, too.  From now on check his site first, then search the Hive, then search the 'net, then ask for clarification.  Also, just to satisfy yourself, go research thujone.  look it up on chemfinder and in any book that might have (think Merck index).  A trip to the library would be worthwhile.  Unthoughtout posts are best kept to the Couch and the other 3 non-chemistry forums.  That's why this is one of the few posts of mine you will find in the chem forums.  Ain't got much to say, 99% of questions can be answered by searching.

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
(Hive Bee)
05-22-03 17:13
No 434744
      steam distillation is simply runing steam...  Bookmark   

steam distillation is simply runing steam through a material that has a compound you want.  the steam carries away the desired compound to a condenser where the steam is than cooled to a liquid and -presto- you have water + your desired compound in the flask at the other end.
using the search engine will help trenmendously with understanding this process, but buying some lab equipment and practicing is the only way to really get mastery.
good luck, and btw, i'd leave the fractional distillation alone untill you get good at the basics.

i used TFSE...just answer TFQ!
05-22-03 18:11
No 434750
      Thanks  Bookmark   

Thank you all. I have searched before asking about Throjune, and wasn't stasfied enough (it is a very unkown chemichel, I only found about 3 researched about it and they were not that helpfull) and about the proccess.
I searched for the meaning but haven't really found something that would help.
But now after all you'll help (links and info) I'm sure It will be just fine.
Thanks again for all the responses.