k0dog (Newbee)
05-29-03 21:48
No 436391
      Volume for dissovling freebase  Bookmark   

OK, Now I know someone is probably going to direct to either GaRtron's webpage, or another post but I have found none dealing with this problem.
N.B: this is for the non-gaussing methode
1) What is the volume/temp needed to disolve ketamine freebase into water?
2) If this Ketamine fb came with dye mixed in package from a source, is the only way to take it out by slow recrystalizing it with an alcohol?
3) Is there not a methode for using activated Carbon when your protonating the Nitrogen, in a solution of dH2O?

If you're able to help me out that would be great! Anyways I do not believe that this topic has been cover (at least by my searching) and if It has could you please direct me to the actual post?

P.S. Would not dissolving the ketamine fb in the dH2O take out the dye, if it is infact nonpolar?  If this is true is it possible to perhaps dissolve the ketamine first in a non-polar pure solution of maybe... say toluene or maybe either? then running that through a filter (so that the polar 'dye' would be taken out?) and the taking the ketamine fb out?

But if I did it that way would it not just be easier to just gas the fucking honey?  Thanks for your input....

"Vanity is defintely my favourite sin"
-Devil's advocate
06-02-03 22:31
No 437299
      Can anybody help me?  Bookmark   

Can anybody help me?

"Vanity is defintely my favourite sin"
-Devil's advocate
(Chief Bee)
06-05-03 02:48
No 437852
      Learn chemistry before doing chemistry  Bookmark   

1) Experiment. See how much you need to dissolve 1g at the temperature you want to use, then just multiply.

2) Yes, or preferably by vacuum distillation of the freebase, but I assume that is beyond your capabilities.

3) Huh?

4) Yes, it is very much reccommended that you gas the freebase with anhydrous HCl, followed by recrystallization of the HCl salt from ethanol, methanol or isopropanol so that it becomes pure and sperkling white.
06-05-03 19:21
No 438009
      sorry... and thanks  Bookmark   

sorry for #3 I sorta just read it and it makes very little sense.... any ways let me re word this...

so 3) Is there a methode of cleaning dyed (yellowis Brown) ketamine (either fb or Hcl) with activated carbon?

Sorry, for the mix up it's just swim has dreamed that certain honeys are originally dyed brown and swim wishes them white.... (hopefully without slow recrystalization with an alcohol..)

"Vanity is defintely my favourite sin"
-Devil's advocate
(Chief Bee)
06-05-03 20:12
No 438021
      Recrystallization  Bookmark   

Activated carbon does not replace slow recrystallization, it is just a kind of pre-treatment to remove polymers, colored tars and similar stuff from a substance before doing a proper recrystallization (it won't remove most small, non-polar impurities). Instructions for how to use activated carbon can either be found by using the search engine or by looking in Vogel's book: ../rhodium /vogel3.html
06-06-03 20:47
No 438290
      Thanks a bunch  Bookmark   

Rhodium as always you make me smile. Thank you for your knowledge and your pointing in the right direction... peace

"Vanity is defintely my favourite sin"
-Devil's advocate