experimentalbois (Hive Bee)
06-07-03 23:45
No 438506
      Exothermic Or Not?  Bookmark   

SWIM observed something quite odd when performing his last MM Wacker....After adding the Palladium/MeOH(and letting it stir for about an hour), and then adding the pBenzo/H2O(and letting that stir for about 2 hours), and then adding the saf/MeOH mix, SWIM noticed that an exothermic reaction had begun and the temp had risen to 50C on its own(no external heat added)(SWIM had never seen this before)....BS uses DMF cuz it generates its own heat but MeOH isn't supposed to(hence the reflux)....Is this normal/Is there something wrong w/ the ingredients(they're all been used before w/ good success)????
(Hive Bee)
06-09-03 01:00
No 438708
      What's the problem??  Bookmark   

Is there something wrong w/ the MeOH or is this normal?
(Hive Bee)
06-09-03 19:26
No 438867
      SWIM was hoping to start MM's Wacker ...  Bookmark   

SWIM was hoping to start MM's Wacker today....from the beginning but was wondering if he should get new MeOH....Just curious.