Triton (Newbee)
06-26-03 01:40
No 442548
      Recrystallizing NaNO3 ?  Bookmark   

Can anyone recommend which solvent(s) can be used to recrystallize NaNO3?
(Hive Addict)
06-26-03 05:01
No 442592
      water  Bookmark   

Water is a solvent for crystallization of NaNO3. The solubility of NaNO3 even in cold water is still high so you need to chill the water to -5C and the mother liquor needs to be reused for additional recrystallization of NaNO3. This way you will not waste any more sodium nitrate.
(Hive Bee)
06-26-03 05:13
No 442594
      it's a no brainer figure it out  Bookmark   

My 11th edition merck index says:

one gram dissloves in: 1.1 ml water, .6ml boiling water, 125ml alcohol, 52 ml boiling alcohol, 3470 ml abs alcohol, 300 ml abs methanol
when dissloved in watyer the temp of the solution is lowered.

Think about what your doing and play with it. The answer is self evident.wink

Go buy a copy of the Merck Index today!
06-26-03 21:12
No 442734
      adding a little alcohol?  Bookmark   

Would it not be a good idea to add a little alcohol to the H2O to decrease the solubility slightly and perhaps help remove any impurities which may not be water soluble?
(Hive Bee)
06-26-03 21:58
No 442739
      sure try it  Bookmark   

Sounds like a good idea to me. Play around w/ it on a small scale and compare it to using just water alone. Be sure to save the mother liquor to maximize your recovery.
(Hive Bee)
06-27-03 17:54
No 442937
      multiple rextallizations...  Bookmark   

Hi all-
multiple rextallizations may be necessary to remove all the sulfur smell from the xtals.
SWIM used to take stump remover and dissolve it in boiling water, then decant the solution through a coarse filter with swirling, and repeat until the sulfur was no longer visible. The sulfur was saved and rinsed a few times with more boiling water and pooled with the rest with more filtering.
Then the resulting "clean" solution was cooked down to about 1/3 its original volume, then placed in the window with the pan at an angle to get a deeper resevoir, forming larger crystals. Rextallization was then performed until the smell of sulfur was minimal.

all information related for educational purposes only!