CainTwister (Stranger)
06-28-03 08:10
No 443060
      Question about solvents  Bookmark   

I have a can of solvent, used to get really nasty, sticky shit off your ride. It rhymes with "chug" and "bar" "manuever."

The listed contents are xyelene and "other petroleum distillates."

Can I use this to wash impurities out with?
06-28-03 08:51
      Oh, Oh....
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Addict)
06-28-03 11:08
No 443090
      Suspicious Concoction  Bookmark   

Sounds like a rather suspicious concoction to me.

If it were me I'd avoid using it.

Cold, dry acetone is king for rinsing most junk out of final product.

Is there no acetone available in your locale?

I ain't as stoopid as I look.
06-28-03 11:32
No 443094
      Can you buy a vowel? Use a fake ID, my friend.  Bookmark   

I've read here that some prefer xyelene or toluene over acetone, so I thought I'd give it a try if you guys knew about it and gave it the okay.

But, I'll stick with tone until I can find and pick up the real deal :)
(Hive Addict)
06-28-03 13:37
No 443102
      Xylene As Lyrical Substitute  Bookmark   

Ok, the picture is now clarified a bit further for me.

Xylene might be the best thing to rinse a (theoretical of course) post reaction solution with. With 3x being the usual recommended number or wash repetitions.

I'd still not recommend using your xylene blend for this though.

Also there are some that recommend rinsing final (crystalline/salted out/hcl/non-freebase) product with an NP solvent to remove any lingering NP soluble garbage from your prized chemical confection. But I've never seen this to be much of a necessity.

Although some peoples stuff may actaully benefit some from an NP solvent rinse. And it's also a bitch to dry it compared to a your standard tone rinse.

Oh, and the title is a lame attempt to suggest subbing the word Xylene for "Eileen" in that crappy old New Wave era pop song.tongue

I ain't as stoopid as I look.