GenericVersion (Newbee)
06-28-03 21:51
No 443149
      would this work?  Bookmark   

SWIM often obtains impure ketone and instead of being smart enough to redistill (which swim did last time) SWIM used it in an Al/Hg osium/brightstar style, when extracting with toulene swim get a redish/pink color in the toulene, obvious impurities. what if swim passed the post rxn toulene through a thin layer of charcoal, would this remove the impurity and leave the product in the toulene, or will this just reduce yields and SWIM will still have a bitch of a time crystallizing the impure solution?
(Hive Addict)
06-28-03 22:04
No 443150
      tsk tsk...  Bookmark   

You shouldnt have used impure ketone! Impure ketone can make a amalgamation fail or yields being less than 10%. I would know. But even if there was any MDMA freebase floating around in that pink toluene, i suggest doing an A/B procedure.

Add equal volume of 3% HCl to the toluene, the MDMA is now in the salt form and will be in the water layer. Tap off the water layer and basify with a dilute NaOH sol. to pH 11. A dark brown oil will fall out. This is MDMA freebase. Extract 3x with DCM. Evaporate DCM and this time distill the freebase.

You will be much happier with the end product.
(Hive Addict)
06-28-03 22:07
No 443151
      Oh yeah...  Bookmark   

The answer to your question is NO. It will not crystalize out. If you gas then an oil will fall out of solution. Once evaporated this oil will be a dark tar like substance which will be nearly impossible to get any product out of.
06-28-03 22:16
No 443152
      that's what swim figured, SWIM did double...  Bookmark   

that's what swim figured, SWIM did double distill this time, still slightly pink but barely, will still A/B to obtain oil hmm, swims a little low on DCM, IPA?
06-28-03 22:19
No 443154
      well if you dry the tar you get brown ( very...  Bookmark   

well if you dry the tar you get brown ( very very brown) xtals, not worth SWIM's time, swim got blue ketone once left in freezer over night turned deep red still used and it was pink toulene and gassed great almost 85% total yield, nice fluffy xtals. how stable is the freebase can it sit on a counter for a week? it will go into the freezer but swim was curious.
06-29-03 01:04
No 443173
      what happens if you basify with a solution...  Bookmark   

what happens if you basify with a solution that's too strong, can it destroy the molecule in question, also with over acidifying cause problems