jimwig (Hive Bee)
06-29-03 23:48
No 443355
      IPA question  Bookmark   

is it possible to go from IPA to n-propylOH?
07-01-03 12:18
No 443744
      bad idea  Bookmark   

It isn't impossible (e.g. iPrOH-->propene-->n-PrBr-->n-PrOH), but there is no practical way. I'm sure you thought of that, but why not buy n-PrOH? Cheap and not watched.
(Hive Bee)
07-08-03 23:03
No 445664
      too broke to pay attention. (but thanks)  Bookmark   

lots of 99+ IPA lying about. gallons.
too broke to pay attention. (but thanks)