catfish (Hive Bee)
07-03-03 12:25
No 444188
      picolinic acid  Bookmark   

Hi all-
picolinic acid, or 2-pyridine carboxylic acid, has piqued SWIM's interest lately.
SWIM knows of its utility as the tri chloro derivatives used in herbicides and also as the chromium or zinc salts in nutrition.
SWIM was wondering if there is any utility (other than the obvious) to this highly interesting compound.
SWIM knows this compound to bee a mild CNS timulant, but also that in excess of 1000 mcg of the trivalent chromium salt, causes headaches.
Perhaps some enterprising Newbee might be able to share a bit about some experiences regarding the freebase or perhaps a non-metal salt...

all information related for educational purposes only!
(Active Asperger Archivist)
07-03-03 20:42
No 444278
      Pyridine  Bookmark   

acidify, extract, distill, decarboxylate--> Pyridine?

Act quickly or not at all.