UpanAtom (Stranger)
07-05-03 10:18
No 444712
      New Bee's, take ur time and do it right!!!  Bookmark   

if SWIMS haven a dream of maken dick hard meth,,, let it be a good dream, not an half ass'd attempt!!!! coming from a freind of mine ,,, playing with his new creations,,, He started in the getto,, and had some good results and some bad every once in awhile,,, but he took the time and (alittle money) to get out of the getto and into the city!!! Fuck usin the getto style shiot anymore!!!!! Buy a condenser! buy a sep funnel! and get those flasks your gonna need, which ever makes you happy!!! then try your rxn, you'll be happy you did!!!!He's not a total New Bee because he has read for over a period of yrs to suck up this information, its not hard!!!! Reading and getting comfortable with what hes trying to acheive is the key!!! and then playing around with his version of his own RXN ,,, whatever Swims comfortable with doing, short dry, long wet, , theres advantages to each method,,, just what makes SWIM happy!! and dont be afraid to ask question!!!! beats the hell out of a total melt down!!!!You'll hear all this from time to time from older Bees,,, there not just typing to type,theyve done there time in the kitchen,, you fucknuts need to listen!!!! Have fun Bee safe and hehe   just fuckin do it! cause when you finaly get it right and you have results that your looking for,,,well,,, you'll see!!! Makes you giggle and do alittle happy dance!!!
07-05-03 10:23
No 444714
      U know, lab glassware is really kewl!  Bookmark   

U know, lab glassware is really kewl! cool SWIC had great dreams getting professional equipment before he started smile learning+experamenting thru trial&error makes for great advancements, and it's alot easier with the right equipment wink
07-05-03 10:30
No 444716
      you know it!!!  Bookmark   

if SWIU would have known all the defferances his RXN would do for him with the right stuff,,, shiot he would have never fucked around with the getto to begin with,,, but what can he say,,, he wanted it and he wanted it now!!!! hes glad hes stepped up in life though,,, made it all worth the wait, he was almost in tears his first batch  LMAO   now hes thinkin sleeps and option in life!!! he'll catch up on sleep when he dies!! got too much shiot to do!!!! Dont get SWiU wrong it was fun playin with his setup,, but it soo much easier to use the right tool for the job than  maken a getto style, he made some good shit getto style, but now hes maken great shiot lab glass style!! IT DOES MAKE ALL THE DIFFERANCE!!! the confidence level just seems to get better with the right shiot!!
07-05-03 15:47
No 444771
      you dont need state of the arts equipment to...  Bookmark   

you dont need state of the arts equipment to produce a great product. All that fancy glasswear can be an eye catcher to the wrong folks also. why not keep it clean and simple? If you know what youre doing you wont be disappionted.cool

Ill be nicer when your smarter.
(Hive Bee)
07-05-03 17:04
No 444787
      normal glassware is not "state of the...  Bookmark   

normal glassware is not "state of the art" its standard chemistry glassware,
 you'll know if it's state of the art when you spend 2500.00 on it

I agree a sep funnel is top notch compared to a dish washing soap container with the bottom cut off

the right tool for the right job is what my friend use to say