catfish (Hive Bee)
07-06-03 20:08
No 445071
      making tryptamine salts  Bookmark   

Hi all-
SWIM had this idea:
1) boil 99% IPA on water bath
2) add to tryptamine freebase
3) drop in ~31% HCL
4) dilute with cold acetone
5) cool further w/ scratching, if necessary
1) boil acetone
2) add to trytamine freebase
3) add ~ 31% HCl
4) cool
Now SWIM was not sure which one would work better, as the product salt will be most likely hydrated in either case.

all information related for educational purposes only!
no quarter asked, none given
(Heavyweight Chempion(eer))
07-07-03 01:01
No 445152
      Suggestion: Dissolve freebase in IPA then...  Bookmark   

Suggestion: Dissolve freebase in IPA then bubble HCl gas through the solution to make the salt. In TFSE there are plenty of instructions how to make gaseous HCl from 30% hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid. You will get better results this way.

Moody as hell
(Hive Bee)
07-07-03 02:22
No 445167
      and then evaporate or filter?  Bookmark   

thx for the response.
Would SWIM then evaporate the IPA to get xtals, or filter,  concentrate then filter again?
Also, SWIM has 99% IPA. Is further dehydration necessary, as this is labeled "isopropyl alcohol, 99% (anhydrous) USP"?

all information related for educational purposes only!
no quarter asked, none given
(Hive Addict)
07-07-03 10:03
No 445258
      which one?  Bookmark   

If your thinking of dmt, check tikal, even shulgin couldn't get a *HCL salt out of it..

Infinite Radiant Light - THKRA
(Hive Bee)
07-07-03 20:07
No 445424
      an RC with a questionable reputation  Bookmark   

no SWIM was thinking of a tryp with a low, low dosage so is concerned about yields and loss.
SWIM will have limited quantities, so the first shot has got to bee it. No room for error.
SWIM has read another set of posts about this RC and does not want to bee flamed in the same manner, so is sticking to questions of a general, non-specific nature about commonalities shared by many tryps if not all.
To kill the goose that lays the golden eggs is not what SWIM is about.
SWIM is somewhat familiar with the properties of phens, but tryps are still a learning experience, hence the Newbee Forum.
Perhaps these questions are better answered in another forum?
SWIM has learned so far that:
1) tryps are more difficult to work with than phens
2) recrystallizations are often subject to considerable loss
3) salt formation is often an arduous if not impossible task
4) the techniques and reagents employed in the syntheses involving tryps are often a little beyond the average Newbee
5) tryps are much less forgiving than phens with respect to errors of omission, stoichiometry, technique, and acquisition.
I choose not to reveal the project compound on the grounds that to do so would, ICHO, jeopardize the project unneccessarily. SWIYs should bee able to discern my goal without much more discourse.
SWIM just hope SWIM has made SWIM's case successfully.

all information related for educational purposes only!
no quarter asked, none given
07-08-03 03:27
No 445539
      if the dosage is really low, and you have no...  Bookmark   

if the dosage is really low, and you have no room for error in forming the salt, perhaps you should consider making a different salt, one that would be easier to make?

i'm sure you have very precise scales, but if you're using a set that isnt the most precise (maybe only to .002g), a heavier salt might be a bit easier to work with, though you would have to readjust the dosage to compensate for this.
(Hive Bee)
07-09-03 07:15
No 445869
      but which one  Bookmark   

Hi all-
much thx to all those bees responding to this thread.
SWIM has access to citric, tartaric, carbonic acids.
Malic and fumaric acids not currently available.

all information related for educational purposes only!
no quarter asked, none given