Taurine (Stranger)
07-08-03 19:05
No 445623
      Glycogen  Bookmark   

Instead of reinventing the wheel I'm turning to my fellow bees for the next question,we all know that possesion of mdp2p or mdma is against the law in most countries(unfortunately)..so therefor swim is wondering if there is an (easy) way to go from glycogen(?) to mdma....so basically we're skipping the previous steps and going straight from glycogen to mdma?????Is this possible and if yes swim would like to know how...
07-08-03 20:29
No 445628
      I almost can't imagine a more difficult way to  Bookmark   

I almost can't imagine a more difficult way to MDMA, than thru glycogen... So the question arises: Why glycogen?
(Hive Bee)
07-09-03 04:26
No 445744
      WTF ???  Bookmark   

Huh?? crazycrazycrazy

glycogen = animal starch crazy

Shit, I can't believe this... Go to the newbee forum please.

A Dream Within A Dream (http://www.poedecoder.com/Qrisse/works/dreamw.html)
(Hive Addict)
07-09-03 09:11
No 445782
      well...  Bookmark   

i guess he means the glycol of iso-safrole...
(but i don't see the point.)
07-09-03 11:21
No 445812
      Oops,my mistake,apologies for the typo...  Bookmark   

Oops,my mistake,apologies for the typo...
07-10-03 15:38
No 446179
      So,the question at hand is if it's possible...  Bookmark   

So,the question at hand is if it's possible and if yes how to skip all the previous steps,obtain the glycol and go directly to mdma??
(Hive Addict)
07-10-03 22:53
No 446259
      no,if it was otherwise,we would be dreaming...  Bookmark   

no,if it was otherwise,we would be dreaming that way.You can go directly from isosafrol to MDMA though...

For those about to synth,we salute you