pooky (Stranger)
07-08-03 22:32
No 445658
      Ketone distillation/MeNH2 Gas  Bookmark   

P distilled his raw ketone in a FB flask, on the hot plate with stirring and has seen mentions to use a RB in an oil bath.There is also mentions of adding peanut oil to the ketone,but P did not do that..I just kept distilling until I started feeling uncomfy, but still kept the leftovers. Now P suspects there is still some ketone lurking in there...so,what is the ratio of peanut oil to be added? And when making Me NH2 gas, is it best to dump all the MeNH2 (500g)into the NaOH at once, or do smaller batches of MeOH?Hope these questions aren't too goofy,LaBTop's write ups don't mention this,and searched TFSE for an hour with no definitive answer.Thanks for any quick advice,P
(Hive Bee)
07-08-03 23:42
No 445674
      uhh..  Bookmark   

it's safflower oil. 
There's not really any ratio.
Just enough to cover the goop.
50ml for every 140g ketone?
I don't really measure. just a small amount so that the ketone doesn't scorch

as for dissolving menh2gas in to methanol.  chill methanol in freezer for hour.
dissolve meam.hcl in to distilled water then drip on to naoh pellets, also put a naoh pellet drying agent in the line.

Just work it baby!
(Chief Bee)
07-14-03 00:07
No 446901
      Read this, "buffer oil" is worthless  Bookmark   

Post 384955 (Rhodium: "The added safflower oil does not do anything ...", Newbee Forum)