blaaky (Hive Bee)
07-23-03 06:00
No 449149
      hydroquinone oxidation via NaNO2 / HCL  Bookmark   

This method is mentioned in Rhodium's p-benzo page (../rhodium /benzoquinone.html)
but TFSE doesn't turn up anyone ever using this method.

I trid to follow the synth to the letter: 24.4g hydroquinone and 345mg of NaNO2 suspended in 100mL technical grade DCM, the acetone/ice bath was kept up, along with magnetic stirring for 24 hours.
At the end, the DCM was transparent yellow, as expected, and dried for awhile in a homemade dessicator over Calcium Chloride, I left it in the dessicator and the DCM evap'd off quickly(I lost my vacuum adaptor so couldn't distill the DCM off).

Final yield was under 1 gram of pea green crystal shards, along with some black crystals assumed to be the quinhydrone .
Can anyone spot anything wrong?
I don't know if my ice bath got to -10°C, thermometers were in the mail at the time.
HCl used was 34% (w/w) muriatic acid from the hardware store. The oxygen was from a bottle for a torch.

Because of the reagents being so cheap I'll give this a try again soon and report back. Hopefully someone has some ideas or can spot my mistakes.


If you want divine justice, die.
(Hive Addict)
07-23-03 08:29
No 449177
      eh?  Bookmark   

you don't mention any O2?
(Hive Bee)
07-23-03 09:19
No 449191
      25 g to 1 g ?  Bookmark   

He said: "The oxygen was from a bottle for a torch." wink

You start with ~25 g of solid in the DCM, you eventually evaporate, only to get ~1 g of solid - where'd the rest go ?
You must have done some further processing that you have not detailed in your ?

Mountain Boy
(Hive Bee)
07-23-03 09:38
No 449197
      yep.. 25g in and 1g out  Bookmark   

I weighed out 25 grams of hydroquinone... and after the DCM evapped there was the small ammount of crystal in the beaker as described. I am at a loss also. Is p-benzoquinone volatile? Could the calcium chloride used as a drying agent sucked it up? I really am at a loss as to what happened.

hypo: I purged the flask with O2 via a hose from the O2 bottle and attached an O2 filled balloon as described, I used a 500mL 1-neck flask as the rxn vessel.

I will repeat the synth when I get some free time this weekend. ONE other thing... I had a lab assistant (real person) manage the ice bath during part of it. Maybe that person spilled some and added more DCM to hide it, that is a possibility, since I can't make any sense of the results.


If you want divine justice, die.
(Active Asperger Archivist)
07-23-03 18:28
No 449286
      calcium chloride  Bookmark   

how much calcium chloride did you use for the drying?   you shouldn't ever use very much at all.

Act quickly or not at all.
(Hive Bee)
07-23-03 21:11
No 449310
      drying agent...  Bookmark   

I'm estimating here... but I think I wrapped up maybe 15 grams  of Calcium Chloride in a paper towel. Put that in the drying chamber, the beaker with DCM/benzo solution on top and then sealed the chamber. It completely evaporated while in there. heh. I need a real dessicator


If you want divine justice, die.
(Hive Addict)
07-23-03 21:34
No 449317
      wait a minute...  Bookmark   

how many mol O2 per mol hydrochinone? 1?
with a mol weight of 110g/mol this gives 222mmol
or 5.3L O2, right?

the O2 flask was connected during the whole reaction, wasn't it?

(btw: dissicators are used to dry solids, _not_ solutions.)
(Hive Bee)
07-24-03 00:37
No 449343
      thanks hypo  Bookmark   

I didn't measure out the O2 at all, I just followed the synth where i purged the flask with O2, and attached a balloon filled with O2 to the neck, I didn't have to refill the balloon it stayed pretty full the entire reaction. Even if the hydroquinone wasn't oxidized, where did it go?

hypo, can you clarify in the synth what it means "dry over MgSO4" I assumed that meant to stick it in a dessicator over  MgSO4, not add the drying agent to the solution!

If you want divine justice, die.
(Hive Bee)
07-24-03 10:11
No 449462
      Drying of solids & liquids  Bookmark   

Actually you do add the MgSO4 to the liquid and filter it off later, after it has absorbed the water.
Dessicators are for solids like Hypo says.
Would of pointed it out earlier but didn't think it was relevant to your specific problem.

Btw, benzoquinone does sublime but not to the extent that would explain it's almost-absence.

Mountain Boy
(Active Asperger Archivist)
07-24-03 16:49
No 449530
      15g!!!!  Bookmark   

Use should never use that much calcium chloride to dry such a small amount of mixture.  2g max for that mix.  If you solvent has more water in it than that, you needed to dry the solvent before ever beginning the procedure (recommended anyway).   all that 15g served you with was a dramatic loss of product by adsorption and absorption.  it's no wonder you're losing product.  I don't think that were it all went, but I'm sure quite a bit went the way of trash drying agent.

Act quickly or not at all.
(Hive Bee)
07-24-03 22:02
No 449597
      thanks  Bookmark   

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll report back when I try this again...

Why haven't more bee's trying this synth? I got a kilogram of sodium nitrite for $10 dollars and 500g of hexamine for $5. You can't beat the price and yields (once I am successful).

Thanks again

If you want divine justice, die.