dumbjanitor (Hive Bee)
08-02-03 00:35
No 451202
      alcohol vapor bad?  Bookmark   

when hash oil is thinned out with everclear, and you smoke the tincture, and smoked, are the vapors from the alcohol harmfull? Swim can taste it and its gross and makes swim wanna puke, but then again the oil on its own is very harsh, swims paranoid that he's fucking his body up from inhaling the vapor so if u can help him that'd be great!
(Chief Bee)
08-02-03 05:14
No 451231
      It is about as bad as drinking the stuff, so...  Bookmark   

It is about as bad as drinking the stuff, so it is not good for you.
(Hive Bee)
08-02-03 12:51
No 451293
      I thouhgt thta  Bookmark   

I thought thta mjethanol vapour where highly toxic... but UTFSE I will not do you work for you...

"Vanity is defintely my favourite sin"
-Devil's advocate
(Chief Bee)
08-02-03 13:15
No 451299
      Everclear contains ethanol, not methanol.  Bookmark   

Everclear contains ethanol, not methanol.
(Hive Bee)
08-02-03 16:25
No 451335
      sorry... I only read  Bookmark   

sorry only read the title of the post not the realy contents... after re-reading my comment should have been non-existant.. you win... sorry Rhodium

"Vanity is defintely my favourite sin"
-Devil's advocate
08-02-03 20:04
No 451357
      acetone? propane?  Bookmark   

ive read that acetone/propane can bee used to make some excellent hash oil, and my  thoughts were similar to dumbjanitor.... how can people smoke the oil without chroming a huge amount of propane/acetone...?

A friend with weed is a friend indeed, a friend with speed is better
08-02-03 20:40
No 451365
      Well,  Bookmark   

Dealing with the acetone possibility:
Firstly, the vast majority of the acetone would evaporate very quickly.
Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, there's no way you could smoke enough hash oil to equal the amount of acetone you'd absord from a few hours of washing glassware.

Acetone certainly isn't good for you, but there are worse things you could be inhaling.