ihatemice (Stranger)
08-06-03 01:04
No 452051
      Ipomea quamoclit, or noctiflora - LSA?  Bookmark   

Does anyone know if Ipomea quamoclit, or Ipomea noctiflora seeds have LSA in them?

Cheers for your help,
(Active Asperger Archivist)
08-06-03 02:02
No 452064
      LSA content  Bookmark   

Why not just get one of the readily available varieties in the list found here:

Post 452044 (GC_MS: "TLC alkaloid determination of Morning Glory seeds", Tryptamine Chemistry)

Although, it would still be good to find the requested information and include it in the thread linked.

Act quickly or not at all.
08-06-03 18:48
No 452202
      Because...  Bookmark   

Mainly because it's near impossible to get those well known varieties where I am from, and after many hours spent looking around these were the only types I could get my hands on.

I would import them but they would just be siezed by customs. Infact I consider myself lucky I found any varieties at all because my government has made a huge effort to stop the retailing of this plant because they consider it a horrible weed officially (but I'm sure there is a bit more behind the story then that).

Anywho - cheers for your response and the link.
(Hive Addict)
08-06-03 22:48
No 452247
      US?  Bookmark   

If you are from the States, there shouldn't be any problem in acquiring this kind of seeds. Nor in at least 4 major European countries. I can think of an online herbal store in Down Under as well.

I will not give a link for public display, since I believe it is disadventageous for both you and the herb@l store, and it might be against the rules as well. But if you are desperate in finding an online source, you can PM me. I have some experience in importing seeds smile.

Dirty old man
08-07-03 01:25
(Rated as: off-topic)
(Active Asperger Archivist)
08-07-03 09:46
No 452315
      GC_MS  Bookmark   

The store that you talk about isn't hard to find. So, I don't think that anybody is at a disadvantage is their search.  Not to mention, don't they ship just about anywhere in the world?

Act quickly or not at all.
(Hive Addict)
08-07-03 10:09
No 452319
      It probably isn't hard to find at all, but in...  Bookmark   

It probably isn't hard to find at all, but in this case, I refrain from posting the URL publically. Ethnobotanical e-stores are gradually becoming exposed to an increasing pressure from Law Enforcement agencies (remember the way they "busted" that mushroom post order company in the US?). So I don't want to throw in a company into the ring, which might all the sudden see a 500% client increase, but which will also become targetted.
And all by all, I still haven't encountered a single online ethnobotanical company that declined of sending me seeds, herbs or whatever I had need for. I must admit that I don't just order things as Mimosa hostilis or mushrooms; I also order incense or just medicinal herbal preparations, and the combination seldomly gives a problem. If you are lucky, you can also find some real professional e-stores. Professional in the way they ship their stuff (read as: "mislabeling" in a legal way. Just like you would send MDMA.HCl as salt wink). I have never had problems before. And after all, you can also obtain certain "herbs" from regular horticultural seed suppliers. These are unsuspicious over the whole line... smile

Dirty old man