ihatemice (Stranger)
08-07-03 04:29
No 452223
      bromochlorodimethylhydantoin?  Bookmark   

What the fuck is bromochlorodimethylhydantoin?
Does it have any uses?

Anyway, cheers for your time,
(Hive Bee)
08-07-03 04:46
No 452229
      Algacide  Bookmark   

It is a algacide, fungicide, and  "slime-acide",  the MSDS will tell you that...... well maybe not the "slime-acide" part.  The MSDS is easily found on google. 


     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
08-07-03 05:04
No 452230
      yes, but could it be useful for anything  Bookmark   

I mainly use the sigma aldrich site for my MSDS, but I'm not smart enough to know if I could apply it to anything that's talked about in the hive. All I see is that it's got bromine in it, oooooh- and look a dimethyl grouping!!! It must be cool. But seriously, could it be used for anything?
(Active Asperger Archivist)
08-07-03 18:52
No 452317
      chemical  Bookmark   

That chemical is likely worthless for anything you'd want to get ahold of.  And please, don't clog forums with "is this -chemical x- of use in drug synthesis" questions. 

If you really want to know, send the chemicals name and a description of where you found it to me in a pm.  I will answer you questions personally.

However, do me a favor.  UTFSE first. (trust me, I will know if you have or not.)

Act quickly or not at all.