Don (Stranger)
08-28-03 19:18
No 456267
      DXM Extraction Didnt Work  Bookmark   

I tried a extraction method from for extracting DXM from cough syrup and it didnt work. Can anyone help and i will give u the details so u can help me better. Im askinf for help here so all you stuck up chemists can go fuck yourself if you burn this post. Im asking for help thats the point of this place.[pre]
(Hive Bee)
08-28-03 19:35
No 456271
      Some words of wisdom  Bookmark   

"Before posting a question you should use the Hive 'Search' engine or search the sites given at the bottom of each page and on the 'search page' - most questions have been asked before. Beginners in the field of chemistry are suggested to start posting in the Newbee Forum."

oh and by the way:
"Discussing the Chemistry of Mind-Altering Compounds"
"the point of this place"

Perhaps you should take some of your own advice?
08-28-03 22:42
No 456287
      knew u guys wouldnt help  Bookmark   

dunno what you are on about mate i asked a simple question and as i guessed it wasnt answered you guys obviously know what your doing so why dont u help. What good will the search engine do me ive read and studied just about everything and the reaction didnt work. Easy question with an easy answer i just dont know it. Im sure there is someone who can get over there im the best chemist in the world ego trick and help me out.
(Hive Bee)
08-29-03 16:21
No 456408
      Don  Bookmark   

I didn't mean to be rude. But you failed to give any information needed for anyone to be able to help you. "It didn't work" ok... How exactly did you proceed? Was there anything out of the ordinary at any step in the procedure?

Have you checked here: