Don (Stranger)
08-29-03 07:48
No 456291
      DXM Extraction Didnt Work  Bookmark   

i got an extraction method for extracting DXM from cough syrup. Read and researched for days first. Got my supplies and tried the experiment. For some reason it didnt work. All i can think of is that the Sodium Hydroxide i used was not medical grade. I used 98% NaOH or drain cleaner i figured 98% would be ample was i wrong? Someone help theres no DXM where i live and im curious to try it.
(Hive Bee)
08-29-03 12:59
No 456335
      tell us what you did..  Bookmark   

detail what you did... (not what the "RECIPE" said to do) but what you actually did..

you did make lab notes didnt you ?

I love the smell of Ketone in the morning.
08-30-03 21:35
No 456508
      To help: 98% NaOH is largely suffisant, i used
(Rated as: excellent)

To help: 98% NaOH is largely suffisant, i used Household amoniac, and Medical Grade NaOH th two worked very well.
Which solvent did u use, Naphta or pure solvent (not mixed one like lighter fluid) work better.
Again: mor help can be found one since they specialise in DXM

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