Learnbydoing (Stranger)
08-30-03 09:35
No 456468
      In Situ iPI generation?  Bookmark   

Swim was wondering if the red phosphorus method commonly used in methamphetamine synthesis from pseudoephedrine could be used to generate iPI from iPOH, and if in a relatively neutral solution this could be exposed to either tryptamine or mexamine to generate DiPT, and 5-MeO-DiPT, respectively?  Swim is thinking that he could add Iodine and red phosphorus to the iPOH, and get it boiling under reflux, and then add either tryptamine or mexamine to the solution.  Is this in any way viable?
(Old P2P Cook)
08-31-03 05:27
No 456545
      rP/I for isopropyl iodide.  Bookmark   

There is a procedure given in Vogel for the preparation of alkyl iodides, including iopropyl iodide, using rP/I.

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