DjTime (Newbee)
09-05-03 08:01
No 457281
      Distilled of DCM, WTF ???  Bookmark   

SWIM just got done distilling off the DCM from his
Benzo Wacker. I have a few questions. The stuff that
was left after the distillation, (I assume that's the
ketone) was jet black, almost looks like used motor
oil. It isn't hard or anything it flows like oil. Is
that what was supposed to happen? It smells sweet and
kinda musky at the same time. I think I lost alot of
the DCM also, out of the 850 mL I got back 350 mL.
I saved everything so far. So is the ketone supposed
to be that color after you distill off the DCM and
BEFORE I do the vac distillation? and what is supposed
to smell like??
09-05-03 21:15
No 457358
      DAMN YEAH!!!  Bookmark   

WaHOOO!! SWIM has da tone. Or at least it looks
alot like the stuff that MM describes in his
writeup. It's pale greenish/ yellow. And came
over at about 38-40C over my safrole. Got 3
drops of the safrole. Welp We'll see how it goes.

09-06-03 02:59
No 457402
      Hopefully  Bookmark   

you had good ventilation for those DCM fumes using simple distillation.Hope you didn't vac distill the DCM as it will be in your vac pump's oil.If you used an aspirator, the DCM is down the drain.Always been black for P.
(Hive Bee)
09-07-03 20:10
No 457610
      Oh Yes he did.  Bookmark   

SWIM has great ventilation. Wouldn't do it unless
he did. He's not too crazy bout smokin DCM fumes.
But then again who is. I used a vacuum pump, but
it's oiless. So I don't think there is any oil in
there. I think alot of it is in the washes and
stuff but it's all good. SWIM's about to do the
Al/Hg amination. He thinks he has enough to do 3
runs so he's gonna try that. 84G of tone is all he
got not the 100-120 MM was talkin about, But SWIM
is still very proud of his little bottle of green
tone. Later
09-07-03 20:15
No 457612
      DJ's tone.. Newbie to Newbie  Bookmark   

Hey DJ, congrats on your 1st synth! As one newbie to another, I've got a couple questions for you if you don't mind takin out the time:

1. Oiless Vac pump? how's that work?

2. You said you've got kick ass ventilation, curious about your setup. I almost fucking suffocated last night on oil/sassy fumes doing a sassy distillation @ ATM

3. How long did it take you to distill off the DCM?

thanks & Good luck on the amination

 - Peace out
(Hive Bee)
09-08-03 03:50
No 457668
      It's all good...  Bookmark   

1> Oiless Vac pump? how's that work?

 It's a piston type pump. Honestly it's a pretty
 shitty one. I wish I would have spent the extra
 dough and got one like you said you were getting
 29" at least mine is 27" TOPS. I got my sassy oil
 to come over at 144C which isn't the best but it
 works. That means my ketone was going to come over
 close to the 200-220C range which turns it to
 plastic. So I had to be very vigilant about how
 it was going to distill. It was pretty unnerving.
 oil was kinda smokin, so I was sure I was done.
 but nope, just as soon as I had gotten the very
 last bit tone. Soon after It turned jet black and
 hard as a rock. PHEEWWWW! Im just trying to let
 you know to NEVER try to distill your tone with
 out a pump. Mine just barely scrapes by.

2> You said you've got kick ass ventilation, curious
 about your setup. I almost fucking suffocated last
 night on oil/sassy fumes doing a sassy distillation
 @ ATM.

   I have a cool little shed that the side door faces
towards my house so not a single soul can see into it.
I have two 25" Box fans stacked on each other facing
out so it pulls all the air out of my small little shed
through the doorway and out. Plus I have a small fan
that pushes air out through an air vent and out. It
works very effectivly.

3> How long did it take you to distill off the DCM?

   On the writeup it says like 3 hours it took me I
think like 1 hour and 15 minutes. It was fairly quick.
same with ketone distillation. It says 8 but to my
suprise after only 2 and a half hours there was not
a single drop of tone coming over after that. I got 84G
of MDP2P. It was really cool to see it happen and look
just like the writeup goes.

If I can add a few more things NEO. I started this
little adventure excatley 1 year and 3 days ago. It
seems no matter how much you read there is always more
to read. It's awesome this chemistry stuff, So many
things involved. If you don't take your time and do it
the right way and take NO short cuts until you have ALL
the right skills to make those calls. Good luck NEO !!!
I wish you the best-a-luck brother.
(Hive Addict)
09-08-03 15:55
No 457720
      If you get better vac pump,you get better...  Bookmark   

If you get better vac pump,you get better yields...raf uses a pump that pulls ketone over at 150 C and still gets some ketone scorched.

For those about to synth,we salute you
(Hive Bee)
09-08-03 16:01
No 457722
      ..  Bookmark   

Thanks raffike,
I like your thoughts!!
Your thoughts are honey-worth.
(Hive Bee)
09-08-03 18:23
No 457731
      better pump.  Bookmark   

SWIM had some doubts on wether or not he was going
to be able to pull off this synth with no chemistry
experierence at all. So SWIM got great chems, but
and mostly great glass, but SWIM thought why pay 200
for a singles peice of equipment when he may never
be able to get honey. So SWIM has seen the light and
a better vac is already in the works. Thanks for the
hindsight raf.
