DjTime (Hive Bee)
09-07-03 19:03
No 457669
      I forgot to get my ...  Bookmark   

SWIM forgot to pick up some Xylene today and the store
closed already. He has already aminated my tone. It
looks exactley like the pics on Rhodium site. It went
just like the writeup said no hitches at all except
He only has a 1.5" stirbar. Yes it was hard to get it
to stir but it's done now, He needs to work on his timing
just a bit. But other than that we are good. He was
setting up for extraction when he realized that he had
forgoten to get my xylene today. He has a few questions
about this he UTFSE for "replacement for xylene" but no
matches. Is there anything he can buy at a local "mart"
or two that will do just as good as xylene. He really
doesn't want to distill anything if it comes to that he
will just do the rest tomrow. Which brings him to his
next question. If he needs to put his stuff away for
tonight does he need to put it in the freezer ? Thanks

(Hive Bee)
09-07-03 19:19
No 457671
      Always put in  Bookmark   

Dj time.

always store your rxn contents in the freeza as things have the tendancy to rearange if left to their own demise, and for an extraction solvent, u can also use toluene this is effective also as well as xylene.

all the best
(Hive Bee)
09-07-03 19:26
No 457672
      Cool. Welp later...  Bookmark   

Thanks tech, I guess Im going to have to store my
rxn in the freezer because I don't have any T or X
laying around, nor can I get any at this hour. All
my local stores that carry those things are closed.
I also forgot my damp-rid. Best I do It tomrow. No
need to rush things. I have waited a year to get to
this point so 12 more hours won't hurt. Thanks alot
I'll be gassing tomrow and we'll see if all this was
for something. Even if I don't get 1 crystal it was
an awesome experience and great leraning tool, which
I can use to my advantage for my next run. Later hive

 -I'll post 2morow what happens. later, peace
(Orgasm Donor)
09-07-03 21:03
No 457682
      Dear DjTime:
(Rated as: good read)

I'm sick and tired of seeing thread titles such as "please, PLEASE read", "I forgot to get my..." or simply "help". Titles like these add nothing to this community, and they make searching for answers more difficult than it has to be. IMO, threads with titles such as these should just be deleted.

ALL new threads should have a title with relevant information to the topic one wants to discuss. The name of a thread is just like the headline in a newspaper; it provides a clue as to what the thread is about and in so doing, helps the reader to select threads he or she would like to read.

For future, please choose an appropriate, informative title for your thread.

On time is when I get there.
(Hive Bee)
09-07-03 21:07
No 457684
      I AGREE  Bookmark   

this is the problem why people get flamed. because prople cant find the relevant informaition because it is situated in a sea of jargon, that fuks all bees over.

perhaps ill post this in the hive somewhere.

good one Stonium