Don (Stranger)
09-12-03 06:37
No 458537
      Hash oil  Bookmark   

Probablly asking the wrong bunch of people but im curious if i can drink my hash oil. Which is just purified THC with 99.9% isoprohyl alcohol. Im guessin that would get me pretty drunk.
(Hive Adickt)
09-12-03 09:19
No 458570
      IPA  Bookmark   

Iff you ask abouth you will get drunk from isopropanol the anser is no, but it will give you a greath hangover.
You will get drunk from methanol (DONT TRY) ethanol and glycol(dont try)
(Chief Bee)
09-12-03 09:29
No 458576
      alcohols for intoxication  Bookmark   

n-Propanol will also get you drunk + it gives a terrific hangover... (
(Hive Bee)
09-12-03 10:19
No 458585
      tetrahydrocannabinol  Bookmark   

Doesn't THC need to be heated to activate the cannabinoids, or be binded with butter or oil to be absorbed by the fat cells ?

Laying down with your eyes closed is NOT a subsitute for sleeping.
(Hive Bee)
09-12-03 10:21
No 458587
      I dunno, but..  Bookmark   

One time I mixed some fine cannabis flowers with a
bit of DMSO, let it soak for a few hours, then applied
it to my skin.

I got a wicked body buzz.

Of course, it could have been psychosomatic, but I'm
fairly sure it wasn't.

over and under, then back to the start
this sidewalk's bottom is the same as its top
(Hive Addict)
09-12-03 13:31
No 458627
      D9-THC  Bookmark   

D9-THC doesn't need to be heated to release the cannabinoids. Once you have your extract, let it evap, you should have a sticky honey looking substance. Depending on the MJ that you extracted it out of, it should look either amber or clear, of a mixture of the both.

Your best bet is to let it evap until that stage, then put a few drops on your tongue at a time. Then wait. If you take too much you may overdose(highly unlikely but there can always be a first time)