slick14 (Hive Bee)
09-13-03 13:11
No 458854
      Swims highest yields, thanks for all the help Bees  Bookmark   

Swim wanted to thank everyone for all their help, and sharing expierences. Swim would like to share this info with other newbees and maybe this could help.
  The synth began with 75.0g double distilled safrole, with a 1/4.5 ratio of catylist using 1g Pd. in a Pop bottle pressureised to 55psi, with 350ml MeOH, stirred for 26 hours, repressureised every 2 hours. The result after an A/B, and a few bisulfate washes was 55g of undistilled MDP2P.
   The Amalgum contained 32.5g Al (Swim always uses excess reactants), 21ml. 99% nitromethane, 1L. MeOH., 50ml. MeOH also added to the additional funnel.  .5g HgCl used to start the rxn. waited 1hr. to begin the drip, total drip time was 35min., wrapped the rxn vessel with aluminum foil, and let it run for 4 hours, noticed that the consistancy was a little thick, and there was some Al. left in it, allowed it to stir for an additional 2 hours with medium heat. The completed rxn was a very thin bluish/gray substance that had a very strong fish smell.  Washed the freebase with salt water, and 5% NaOH. Added 20ml. Aqueous muratic acid and shook vigerously, allowed the syrup to dry and cleaned the crystals.  The final result came out to be 31g. of some really good MDMA. Thanks everyone for your help.  If anyone could give some tips that would possibly increase the yields please let swim know

"A multiple felon perhaps, but certinly not dangerous"
Raoul Duke
09-16-03 03:48
No 459329
      Just wondering  Bookmark   

how you  got the stirring to work in the 2l. pop bottle.Every single one P has seen,for strength,has the 5 or 6 toes at the bottom;and P has for fun in the past tried to stir and does not work,the bar just jumps around.P tried  a 3/4 inch and 1 inch stir bar with the pop bottle on it's side,and with the equivalent of water in there,the bar was hardly submerged and not much stirring was going on.Does your bottle not have the toes???And which brand is it?
(Hive Bee)
09-18-03 04:44
No 459686
      I remember there used to be 2-piece pop ...  Bookmark   

I remember there used to be 2-piece pop bottles, a
clear cylinder with a rounded end and a black-plastic
base glued to it.  Alas, I think they stopped selling
these in favor of the simpler five-toed versions.

over and under, then back to the start
this sidewalk's bottom is the same as its top
09-26-03 03:20
No 461106
      ^^ i remember those 2pc bottles, i think some...  Bookmark   

^^ i remember those 2pc bottles, i think some cheap stores still have them, but finding them is like finding crystal pepsi
09-26-03 06:46
No 461132
      Catalyst  Bookmark   

When you say 1/4.5 ratio catalyst, you're referring to cuprice chloride as the catalyst, right? Did you use pure O2 from a tank or atmospheric air?

I just can't understand the crap shoot that seems to be associated with the O2 Wacker. I'm not saying it doesn't work, but I've read posts claiming success in conjunction with an almost equal amount of posts claiming failure.

Glad to see it worked for you.