slackdaddy (Stranger)
09-17-03 12:16
No 459634
      Cloudy Iso  Bookmark   

Every time swim isomerizes safrole, the iso appears a little cloudy.  Swim always does an overnight reflux under vaccuum with an excess of KOH (30 grams per 1000ml)

The iso always does fine through a buffered performic.  I was wondering if the cloudiness was normal for everyone else, or if it is just me.

If it is my technique, maybe the cloudiness is water in the iso, or there is something else going on?

I am posting this partly due to my curiosity, and partly due to my intentions of storing the isosafrole for a few months.  If I need to, I don't mind distilling again.

... and thank god for the music.
(Chief Bee)
09-19-03 15:17
No 460002
      If you don't distill the isosafrole after the...  Bookmark   

If you don't distill the isosafrole after the isomerization, no wonder it is cloudy from dispersed potassium salts and possibly some water. I srongly reccommend you to distill it, preferably with a fractionating column to easier separate residual safrole from the formed isosafrole.