thumpschem (Stranger)
09-28-03 13:32
No 461463
      DXM Gassing???  Bookmark   

Ok,I used TFSE and also have checked the web for anything on gassing DXM. I am not looking for a handout as I believe I should found out either the hard way or sitting on my computer for days on end, but my main question is if you gassed DXM what gas would you use? Also, it seems the first extraction on the third platau website would leave you with a liquid somewhere near a ph of 11 or 12 and I don't believe that would be good on the stomach lining. Please answer my question and to the old bee's yes let the flaming begin....
(Hive Bee)
09-29-03 03:58
No 461556
      Sorry, but why Gasing DXM?  Bookmark   

Sorry, but why Gasing DXM?

/}/_//\//) /-|/\//¬/=/_
10-01-03 04:15
No 461981
      I tried that....  Bookmark   

...and failed. I wanted to practice gassing something, and figured DXM crystals would be nice to see. So I extracted to toluene and did the old H2SO4-salt thing. Only thing I got is a lesson--HCl gas is NASTY. Better do it in a closed vessel with the output run through baking soda water or something. One whiff and...Owww...