ekolo (Stranger)
10-08-03 23:09
No 463412
      help with mdp2p destilation     

i know i might bee stupid in your opinions but im realy stuck here and i can read until my eyes pop out of my head.
i 3 frezzed my sassafras oil(safrole90%) to obtain pure safrole. then used ketones guide to wacker powered production of mdp2p to obtain crude ketone but then comes the part for destilation i have no clue of what to doe i have bought the vaccum destilation apparatus and all that i need. but the destilation it self is giving me trouble  how kan i se when the ketone comes out when i dont have my safrole bp, how kan i se the ketone from other shit thats in safrole. i realy used the TFSE and have read for 2 weeks allmost and its driving me insane im beging you just help me with this problem tell me how its done how i can se what to watch after please im realy stuck here reallllllyyyyyy.frownfrownfrownfrown
(you can always take some more)
10-08-03 23:20
No 463418
      Hey there! You could start out by taking some...     

Hey there!

You could start out by taking some of the original sassy oil(if you have any left), and distilling that to get a BP, and then interpolate the ketone BP from that.

I suppose you suspect you have reasonable pure MDP2P; which means anything above 75% or so. Simply distill the whole mess crudely and separate into new fractions(new flask) every time the temperature increases something like two degrees(starting when something comes over of course, or else it's going to take a lifetime). Then when nothing more comes over you'll have a lot of fractions. Then take and combine the fractions that'll give you most of the amount of oil in a 10-15 degrees spectrum. The rest will probably be bunk, and you'll be left with reasonable pure MDP2P.

Of course you should distill this one more time with a vigreux column or something like that to end up with really pure ketone.

Good luck!


I just love the smell of bromine in the morning!
10-09-03 00:18
No 463433

please,just like Bandil says,mess around with something else first before you fu#$ up yout potentially valuable ketone.How much did it cost you ,in money,aggravation, and time, to make your ketone?Why take a chance on ruining it all for the sake learning a little.Spend a few hours distilling some water,safrole under vac,etc and get to know what is going on.Rhodium has a nomograph on his ite, or on the web are lots.You gotta walk before you run.
10-09-03 23:24
No 463658
      thx for the help i realy appreciate it     

thanks for the tips its was the right tip i neded to get back in the sadel thx guys you helped me more than you know really thanks for the help. its really appreciate it.
laugh i will now go and lern to walk first hehe.laugh