ning (Hive Bee)
10-24-03 18:16
No 466524
      DXM, pseudoephedrine, and acetaminophen     

As a purely theoretical matter, one of ning's slightly deranged acquaintances wanted to separate a cough syrup into these three components. Apparently an acid-base extraction will remove DXM from acetaminophen, but what of the pseudoephedrine? Ning has no idea about its behavior as compared with DXM. Any ideas, bees?

Ps. There's a lot of p-eph in cough syrup. Quite a lot. And Ning supposes much fewer diluents. Just a thought.
10-24-03 20:04
No 466553
      DXM only cough syrup     

There are several cough syrups with only Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide as the active ingredient. At least in SWIM's area, there are more than 4 OTC brand names. It is much easier to extract the DXM if it is the only amine present.
10-24-03 20:36
No 466559
      DXM extraction     

I quote from Erowid DXM vault

"Do NOT try this extraction procedure with cough syrups or formulations containing acetaminophen/paracetamol, pseudoephedrine, other decongestants, or antihistamines. Decongestants and antihistamines are usually alkaloids and will end up in the final product; as for acetaminophen, I'm not convinced yet of the safety of the final product."

Be safe

To fly or not to fly that's only a matter of time...
10-24-03 20:39
No 466560
      Dexalone and Robo Cough Caps     

Even better, there are two new products out: Dexalone and Robotussin Cough Caps, both of which contain ONLY dextromethorphan in capsule form. Imo it's much easier (but slightly more expensive) to choke down 20 sweet tasting capsules than 4oz of horrible cough syrup.
(Hive Bee)
10-25-03 06:27
No 466625
      almost in the same topic, some day ago i was...     

almost in the same topic, some day ago i was wondering i was i would be able to separate these 3 constituant from the pill form of this medication. Acetaminophen is easy to clear with water. But separating p-Ephedrine and DXM would be another thing...

/}/_//\//) /-|/\//¬/=/_
(Hive Bee)
10-26-03 04:08
No 466796

Ning has given some serious thought of late to acetaminophen as a more useful precursor than it is given credit to be. So ning has learned something about the stuff. The phenol group would probably salt with NaOH used to basify the mix, and that makes it much more soluble. Swin recrystallized some nice hydrolyzed acetaminophen crystals taking advantage of this property. (10 seconds in the microwave, bay-bee...)

Ning wonders if dxm and pe will base at different pHs? With careful control, it should be easy to do.
In the area ning's demented friend lives, 12oz of the pseudo-laced cocktail goes for about 5 us dollars. Ning's friend thinks that it would be best to get double benefits for the money spent, by extracting both alkaloids.
30mg pe / 5mL of syrup, if ning remembers correctly.
(Penis doesn't taste good)
10-28-03 07:48
No 467221
      Not trying to be an ass but...     

For one, I would extract from pills, which you can find pseudo and DXM together sans acetaminophen.  If you still want to go ahead with yours, you really don't need any help here.  What you need is a Merck, Zubrick and some of the huge amounts of info on extracting pseudo.  It's simple enough on a cheap enough product to experiment.  You seem to know enough about chem to figure this one out on your own.

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
(Hive Bee)
10-28-03 15:20
No 467265
      I wish....     

But thanks for the props...
All of the sugestions are good, ning's pal, being a cheap bastard, just wants the cheapest DXM/pseudo that s/he can get...

Get what ya pay for, I guess.laugh
11-14-03 04:29
      A Quick Question
(Rated as: UTFSE!)
(Hive Bee)
11-14-03 18:12
No 470873
      funny you should ask...     

I have a thread on just that subject...why DOB/DOC, of course...

Or just quinone, for all the wacker bees.