StraightEdge (Hive Addict)
11-05-03 23:54
No 469070
      can I seperate celite from GHB without distilling?     

My friend made some NaGHB from GBL and NaOH, boiled it with some activated charcoal, and then filtered out the charcoal. Everything was fine except there was a black tint to the solution. He read in Post 446283 (hCiLdOdUeDn: "Proper use of activated charcoal", Chemistry Discourse) that filtering the mixture through celite would remove the remaining particles of carbon. He did not use celite, but food grade ground diatomaceous earth that he bought at a health food store. The particles are very fine, almost like dust. Unfortunately he is an idiot, and did not think five minutes ahead and realize that the particles, when mixed with water, would go right through a coffee filter (which they did). Is there any way to get them out, short of converting back to GBL and distilling? He does not have distillation equipment.

And did he use the wrong kind of diatomaceous earth? He hasn't tried to find Celite yet.
(Chief Bee)
11-06-03 03:10
No 469097
      coffee filters are for coffee     

Coffee filters are too coarse to retain fine particles, get lab filter papers at some science supplier. Also, I have never seen this kind of problem with Celite, so you are using the wrong filtering aid.
(Hive Addict)
11-06-03 17:48
No 469277
      Thanks, I will make sure to use Celite brand...     

Thanks, I will make sure to use Celite brand next time.

What he decided to do is just let the particles settle to the bottom of the beaker, siphon off all the GHB solution he can without sucking up any of the diatomaceous earth, and then pour some more water in. Wait until the particles settle again, then repeat. It is similar to doing multiple extractions, in a way. It will take a long time, and there is a risk of mold growth, but it's better than nothing.
(Synaptic Self-Mutilator)
11-07-03 01:49
No 469405
      Filtering with celite     

Yeah, I've had the same problem when trying to remove the last bit of activated charcoal from a liquid when only a coarse grade filter paper and celite was available--infact, in this case, you might be better off by just filtering the activated charcoal WITHOUT celite then letting it settle to the bottom. Sometimes using multiple coffee filters can help... but better yet is to use a finer-grade paper, like qualitative whatman's.

Btw, if you're saying your celite is SOLUBLE, then you most certainly not have celite... if you're saying it easily passes thru coarse grade paper, then you definitely have the right celite...

Btw, there's little use for activated charcoal if your NaGHB/GBL tastes right (i.e. normal lactone or salty taste).
11-10-03 00:55
No 469982
      Powder-filtering tips     

I've found that when using powders to filter liquids it is best to first shake the solid with some water, then collect the solids that settle quickest (and decant the foggy water which has the much smaller particles). If this is done more than once with low grade powders it is best, that way you obtain much larger particles (though still very very small) that will not cause as many problems. Also, make sure and run some of the solvent you are using through the filter before running your to-be filtered liquid through it to pack it nicely to the filter and remove any particles that were going to pass through. Two filters is always a plus when they are so porous as a coffee filter, though real filter papers are prefered.
My suggestion as to what one would do in the case of an already gunked up liquid is possibly dilute it more than your would have before taking it (and just take more of it later), as a thinner solution will settle much quicker. Never had the stuff mold on me before though, maybe some sorbate would solve that if it were a prob. Also, let it be known that celite (aka diatomacious earth) is non toxic and can be ingested no prob.