AtotheK (Stranger)
11-19-03 07:25
No 471686

can some one tell me if thier is something i can substitute for  muratic acid the synth calls for 5ml if thier is a sub. then how much sould be used to equal the muratic acid.

thanks in advance for your help. Wish everyone a good night or day depending on where your at!
(Hive Bee)
11-19-03 19:13
No 471774
      Hydrochloric acid.     

Muratic acid is Hydrochloric acid. 69% water 31%
Hydrochloric acid. Maybe you can find the acid
in pure form, and just dilute it. Im guessing you
are a euro bee though since Muratic acid is
in every hardware store in America. Look for some
form of concrete cleaner. Maybe that helps.

peace out.
11-19-03 20:45
No 471795
      Why not HCl     

Why would you want a substitute you can get the shit ANYWHERE?
11-20-03 01:41
      funny you should say that but i was talking to
(Rated as: incomprehensible)
(Hive Bee)
11-20-03 20:41
No 472038
      lore: Assuming that youre talking about meth...     

lore: Assuming that youre talking about meth freebase, one has to turn it back to PH 7 or less in order for it to crystallize. Other acids can be used.
maybe your friends were trying to by meth diluted for injection?
(Hive Bee)
11-21-03 08:10
No 472172

She could have been generating the HCl with sulfuric and nacl, which I WOULD suggest to atothek if I wasn't afraid of him suffering severe acid burns.

over and under, then back to the start
this sidewalk's bottom is the same as its top
01-11-04 02:33
      why did i suddenly get bad Karma for this post
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Chief Bee)
01-11-04 04:42
No 481718
      Your writing style could use some improvement...     

i didnt neseserely mean i agread with it i think saying incomrehensible was a little strong...

Only this sentence of yours has three directly misspelled words, one apostrophe and 3 capitalizations missing, not to mention that the punctuation/grammar is not the best I've seen.

The same thing goes for the post rated "incomprehensible" - your abuse of the english language makes it very hard for people who aren't native english speakers (myself included) to understand what you are taking about. Please try a little harder in the future to write clear, concise and structured posts so that all readers can follow what you are writing.

Thanks for listening.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
01-11-04 07:35
No 481742
      not in every hardware store     

Swim had no luck finding any muriatic acid in hardware stores and even pool supply places. *shrugs* just the area. still got the HCl, but that's another story

as for HCl substitutes, what exactly is the procedure using it for? if it's something like crystallizing, then other acids can easily be substituted. (sulfuric from drain cleaner/batteries, citric from lemon juice, etc.)