ekolo (Stranger)
11-19-03 06:28
No 471741
      help with freezing     

i just bought muy sassafras oil and its rich in safrole about 90%. i went one with the frezing methode i put some of the oil in a small parfume konteiner (parfume sampel kontainer) and put that into my frezzer to get the krystal now my frezzer kan get to -25c so i know its kold but there are no krystals. i have just waited for 3 houers. any sugestions that might help me. or schould i just wait some more. to say i talked to them i bought my oil from and they said to me that it has 90% safrole so i know its there. why wont it frezze. anybody help. thxfrown
(Hive Bee)
11-19-03 09:51
No 471766
      super cooled     

The stuff is super cooled,as you probably have it in a smooth glass container with no rough or sharp parts to start crystallization.Put in a drop of water,perhaps it will start the process.Or drop in a seed crystal.
(Hive Bee)
11-19-03 10:07
No 471771
      Not said enough here huh?     

You  must UTFSE!!! This subject comes up about
once every month and is talked about until you cant
talk about it anymore. There is such an abundant
source of info on this matter in TFSE. Type in
freeze sassafras. That should bring up about ten
days worth of reading. It may take up to a week to
freeze. And it may take ten hours. UTFSE!

Peace out-
11-19-03 12:31
No 471804

ok but just to say that the sassafras oil in the fridge thats at +6 its begining to form small krystals about 5mm in diametar schould i give it a drop of water to start the krystalization and i have read the threds about frezing. should i just give it more time thats just a simpel question.
11-19-03 13:59
No 471821
      Listen...Don't count on your sassafras ...     

Listen...Don't count on your sassafras freezing within a few hours if u havent seeded it.  Swims deep freeze is friggin cold too but it always takes at least a day up to a week.  Thats why swim always keeps some froze in a test tube and then when his next batch has been sitting in the freezer for at least 1 night swim seeds the cold sassy.  Always keep some extra in a test tube.  BTW, swims sassy always seems to freeze in a 1L glass bottle but for some reason has never actually froze in a test tube.  Swim just puts a little bit in the test tube from the frozen bottle every time he takes a frozen bottle out.
11-19-03 14:05
No 471825
      ok thanks for the help.     

ok thanks for the help.
(Hive Bee)
11-19-03 18:06
No 471862
      Freeze out     

Safrole can sometimes take awhile to crystalize,then when it does its quite spontaneous.If your sure swiy's sassy is 90%+ then he will eventually get it to freeze.If after awhile it still hasn't crystalized and swiy is getting impatient there are a few tricks to force it.
(1)Take a glass rod and tap/rub it on sides of your supercooled container,this will sometimes cause spontaneous freezing(this has onnly been observed in glass containers)
(2)Add a tiny drop of allready near freezing water to your supercooled container,cover,place back in freezer and wait.
(3)Cool using a dry ice/acetone bath for awhile,or alternativly just toss a small piece of dry ice directly into cooled sassy oil.(swim has never been forced to this extreme w/high% sassy)
There are probably more but they are unknown to me(possibly to be found in tfse)
Swim has had the fastest freeze times using a small ss measuring spoon with about 5 drops of sassy oil.This is chilled in the freezer for several hrs and then he add a drop of near-freezing h2o and back into the freezer.
Just use a real small container with a real small amount of sassy in it,you only need a tiny amount to seed.
Crystalizing at freezer temps doesn't do us any good for purification as the whole mass(or most of it) will solidify.
For purification we need to get a volume of sassy oil as close to a steady 11c as possible,drop in your seed and let it crystalize as slow as possible for a couple days.
If you did this in a jar or other container with and airtight lid now just turn it upside down and let all the liquid drain down to the lid.If you didn't then just turn your container upside down and set it in a baking dish or some shit to let it drain.(all this tipping and draining is done inside the fridge btw)
The longer you let it drain(to a point)the less recrystalizations you may have to do to get the same purity product imx.
Freezing is an awsome way to purify your safrole,allthough if you think your going to avoid the joys of distillation think again wink.Might as well start practicing now eh tongue.Its also quite a site to see those inch thick,four inch long totaly clear safrole crystals(spontaneous crystalization looks really cool,too bad thats not what we want)
I highly reccomend you utfse extensively on this subject theres lots of info there.
Good luck to you Bro.

Bee's can't die,we'll only multiply.....
11-20-03 07:17
No 471984
      thanks bro     

i have my sassy in a glas konteiner its just that i dint seed it and there are allredy some krystals begining to form just how chill must my sassy be in the fridge what temp is aquired here. my sassy is curently at +3c and is starting to krystalize realy realy realy slowly. and thanks for the tips bro laugh
just another question i have never seen sassafras oil before that sassy that i got has strange smell and is allmost krystalclear like water allmost and i kan se some like rainbow collors in it. is that what sassafras looks like ore difrent thanks.
11-20-03 11:07
No 472030

i just did a test with my sassy i had some sulfuric acid 97% took 7ml of the acid and gave 4 drops of my sassafras oil to it. the acid got dark like night with some purple colouer and then the acid began to bee warmer there was some smoke komming op from the glas flask and the flask was warm litel hot and then the kontents of the flask got like something dark and stone like hard i rushed outside and tosed the flask but also inhaled some of the smoke it gave me trouble breathing is better now. does this mean that there is safrole in my sassy.
11-20-03 12:07
No 472042
      safrol test     

Where did you read that you actually can test safrol by adding sulfuric acid? If you read it somewhere I presume you would have remembered what kind of reaction confirms the presence of safrol. I admire your plan to design your own qualitative safrol field test. There´s only one tiny flaw in your brilliant plan, namely you don't have a reference safrol sample to compare with.

I think I know where your idea originates from. EZ-tests to assess the quality of XTC tablets contains formaldehyd and a concentrated acid that if I remember well is sulfuric acid? Isn't it?

When your XTC tablet contains MDMA (or MDEA,MDA) you have a dark purple, nearly black colorification. Although I don't know the mechanism of this test, it might involve the methylenedioxy cleavage. Maybe another bee knows...
IMHO this test sucks big time. SWIF has seen many pills reacting and getting very dark purple in a short time in combination with low quality pills (tested by bioassay, still the best way IMHO)

the acid began to bee warmer there was some smoke komming op from the glas flask and the flask was warm litel hot

You have just witnessed an exothermic reaction!

the flask got like something dark and stone like hard

Can't explain this but the "dark stone hard" somehow reminds me of sex!

also inhaled some of the smoke

I have to admit, you are definately dedicated! Keep in mind that as a negative control you also have to inhale pure sulfuric acid vapors before you can relate the problems with breathing to safrol content!wink

ekolo, you made my day!

I wish you succes in your quest

To fly or not to fly that's only a matter of time...
11-20-03 12:18
No 472044

no i read about this test in here by .chem_123.

a quick test       

SWIM's bee-n told that a quick test for safrole content is to take a few ml's of H2SO4 and drop a few drops of said sassafras oil into it...it's supposed to turn dark purple if SWIM's memory serves it?

Sounds like it's the good stuff by smell, but it's always nice to double check with a scientific test.

btw i did not mean to inhale it heheheheh.
(Chief Bee)
11-20-03 14:36
No 472076
      That test = No good     

There are a lot of things in this world which turns dark purple upon addition of sulfuric acid - Not just safrole.
11-20-03 14:57
No 472079

ok i did the water test it just sinks down but small amount is floating.
11-20-03 16:33
No 472102
      BABY STEPS     

Dude before you mess with stuff you can't spell maybe you should thing twice ... You sniffed the smoke from the acid ? Dude are you more retarted now that before you did it? And guys I would not have help this douch he will hurt himself or get busted
Dude spend your time reading some books . You have proven a mind is a terrible thing
(Chief Bee)
11-21-03 00:13
No 472186

ok i did the water test it just sinks down but small amount is floating.

What kind of test is that? Of course it will neither sink or float completely in water as the desity is almost identical...
(Hive Bee)
11-21-03 01:16
No 472201
      test for safrole in sassy oil     

These tests are a waste of time bro,your test will bee seperation/purification of saf from your oil.If theres no saf to seperate it will become apparent soon enoughfrown.
What country does swiy hail from?
Try some of the tricks for quick crystalization if swiy just can't wait,one of them will do the trick for ya as long as its at least 70%+ saf(swic doesn't think concentrations under 70% crystalize very well,could be wrong though).If all else fails try distilling a small portion and check the bp's against saf,and if swiy doesn't have the equiptment to do a distillation of sassy......well best get on itwink cause swiy will need it later anyway.
Good luck,and bee safe

Bee's won't die,we can only multiply......
(Hive Addict)
11-21-03 01:48
No 472213

Typically is used to test for alkenes.
just add liquid bromine and see if it dissapers that means you got an alkene of some sort.
(Chief Bee)
11-21-03 03:05
No 472233
      True, but won't help     

That may not be of very much use either, as many of the other constituents of sassafras and other essentioal oils are unsaturated terpenes and will react just the same.
11-21-03 08:42
      Put the shit in a hdpe milk bottle.
(Rated as: offending)
11-21-03 09:00
      amm hmmmm first to joe420 my dear frend FUCK...
(Rated as: flaming)
12-20-03 16:18
      ekolo, There is a "Check Spelling"...
(Rated as: redundant)