microfile (Stranger)
11-21-03 05:36
No 472143
      cocaine hcl a/b extraction     

Hi there!  A friend wanted to know how to purify coke hcl without distillation or dry bubbling of acids....  I did a search, but found nothing specific, and I've never tried it, so maybe someone could help him....

Please comment:

I would think a regular a/b extraction would work -- basify w/ NaOH, dissolve in ether, evaporate to yield the freebase then dissolve the freebase in water by adding just enough HCl to the water to react with the freebase.  Would crack dissolve (by reacting w/ the amine) in the acidic solution, or does heat need to be applied?  I'm assuming once it's dissolved in the water it should be the salt, so the person could just evap the water and be left with the hcl salt?


(Old P2P Cook)
11-21-03 05:56
No 472146
      Purifying cocaine     

You really shoud UTFSE _AND_ post questions like this in the NEWBEE Forum.

Post 60381 (terbium: "Re: How to purify the evil cocaine", General Discourse)

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
(Hive Addict)
11-21-03 07:22
No 472158
      Coke is a joke     

but vacumn sublimation of the freebase on a coldfinger will give you shit that makes your head feel like a bubbling champagne bottle.
only way I can describe it.
aint nothing like 99% or greater pure cocaine you'll get hooked faster than you can read this.

A note on "scama" conc. h2o2 + enough hcl to make ph 3 will precip. out any cinnamoyl crap.
I been there done that probably spilled more than you sniffed.
It's hell on earth man.