fnord (Stranger)
11-24-03 23:52
No 472951
      caffine extraction     

hanging out a campfire in the woods i thought of extracting caffine from tea.useing makeshift chem equipment i tried this by boiling 100 tea bags worth of tea for a half hour and straining the filtrate boiling it down somemore and added some MEK to my creation waited for it to seperate draind the bottom layer thru a bag kept the top and evaportaed  the end result and came out with a redish yeloweish tea tasteing substance. what did i do wrong? and how would i go aboute refineing and crystalising into amore pure product? ice bath maybe?
(Chief Bee)
11-24-03 23:56
No 472952

Use a better solvent. Google for "caffeine extraction experiment" and you'll find all the details.
12-02-03 23:37
No 474360

i live in the woods so im loking for something more easily done by a campfire probly nt much
(Head Coach)
12-03-03 06:49
No 474433
      I may be mistaken but I do believe caffine can     

I may be mistaken but I do believe caffine can be extracted quite easily via C02...liquid C02 that is.  I know for a fact that C02 can pull that caffine out of coffee beans and leave the rest, but I'm not 100% sure if it will work in your situation.  Maybe another elder bee could say for sure.  Good Luck.  Pyrex out of extraction methods ;-)

Yeah and if ya don't PAID me well, I won't INFORMANT you of the answers you are seeking ;-)
(Hive Bee)
12-03-03 07:37
No 474442
      Supercritical CO2     

At least you need a temperature of 31.1°C and a pressure of 73.8 bar to have CO2 in a superfluid state... yes, easy isn't it?


fear fear hate hate
12-03-03 08:50
No 474446
      Simple method     

It's fairly simple to do... stolen from a first year chemistry lab manual (although this is my abridged version!):

Mix 10g coffee with 200mL distilled water, then slowly add 75mL 5M NaOH.  Swirl until dissolved.  Place mix in sep funnel and extract twice with 50mL DCM.  Empty out the aqueous layer, then pour in the DCM and wash with 50mL distilled water.  Dry the DCM with MgSO4.  Then distil off the DCM - the majority of the stuff in the flask is caffeine.

You may want to wash the crystals with something, as they can be kinda yuck looking... I'm not sure of an appropriate solvent.  And, of course, washing should remove any residual DCM, which may be slightly more healthy if one intended to consume the caffeine...

Anything in the name of procrastination...
(Synaptic Self-Mutilator)
12-03-03 18:59
No 474504
      Simplest method     

Use water. Read up on Swiss Water decaffeination... also read up on Chromic's Coldwater technique for extracting codeine from T1s. (it produces recrystallized caffeine as a byproduct of extracting the codeine)

The best thing to try extracting caffeine from is caffeine pills anyways.
12-10-03 15:52
No 475933
      caffine extration     

i dont think i could gt supercritical C02 in th woods i kinda live in a shack in maine how woulod i extract the caffine from a charcoal filter? xlene or probly something like chloraform? looking for an otc solavent that would work well of to do more research
(Synaptic Self-Mutilator)
12-11-03 02:38
No 476029
      Read my post again     

Read my post. Nearly boiling water is the best solvent to extract caffeine with. (i.e. just like you're making coffee)
12-11-03 02:51
No 476033

Published laboratory methods of caffeine purification involve sublimation of the recrystallized product, see Post 473343 (lugh: "Crystallization/Recrystallization", Stimulants) for more information on crystallization/recrystallization wink As far as a campfire procedure, you'd better stick with the coffee/tea pot; purifying alkaloids for human consumption under such conditions is likely to bee futile laugh

Chemistry is our Covalent Bond