kuykur (Stranger)
11-29-03 20:18
No 473838
      Purity of acids, how can SWIM tell?     

SWIM's been on a shopping spree gearing up, and got back with some nitric, sulfuric and Hcl.
Now SWIM has read about different conc. of acids according to different methods. Problem is, SWIM doesn't know the conc. of his/her acids. So, how can he/she tell? Boiling them and getting the boiling point?? Or somehow measuring that Baume thing? (If that is easily measurable for someone like SWIM)
(Hive Bee)
11-30-03 10:10
No 473924

Test the g/cm³ that is easy to manage.
Better results via titration with NaOH.
12-01-03 00:13
No 474024

Are the acids in there original containers.  Most all acids I have ever seen at least will tell you the normality of the acid somewhere on the bottle. (even if it be in very small print)

If not, titration is your best bet IMO.

     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Chef d'Equippe)
12-03-03 11:29
No 474513
      One could also use a nifty handheld digital...     

One could also use a nifty handheld digital densitometer to measure the specific density of said acid.

Shoot Narcs, Not Drugs
12-03-03 19:32
No 474592
      Acid conc. can be determined by adding a known     

Acid conc. can be determined by adding a known conc. & volume of base until neutral; from there you can calculate what strength the acid was. You should find info on this in basic chem books. I did.


Signature? I'm not signing anything. You prove it.