ekolo (Newbee)
12-08-03 23:31
No 475498
      Oxidation of Aldehydes     

I learned something about the O2 wacker its the wacker by spiceboy found on rhodiums site ../rhodium /wacker.krv.html
i found out that if i do the wacker where you use: 1 g PdCl2
6 g CuCl2
250 ml denatured alcohol
50 ml ultra clean, vac distilled safrole
in the SRV. you will get mdp2p but you need to destil it now comes the tricky part in your crude mdp2p you have MDP3P(The reaction produces a 85:15 mixture of MDP2P and "MDP3P) thats bad now you can oxidize the aldehyde to remove it and then wash it away with aqueous bicarbonate from the unchanged MDP2P. now i dont know much about this and stil dont know much, ive read but there is not much about it i would just like to know if there is someone out there with the nessesary know how.
btw. what would happen if i destiled my ketone and got the mdp3p with it, what would happen with the end product.
(Hive Bee)
12-09-03 01:45
No 475526
      Re: oxidation of aldehydes     

I once read that if in your reaction you got two products such as you have the aldehyde can be oxidized with Potassium dichromate and then salt it out with 10% aqueous sodium carbonate . The result would be your untouched desired product without beign affected. I think it had to do with the inability to steam distallating the one from the other because of the closeness of the temp of sublimation of both.

I remember now it was with the synthesis of P2P via 2-phenylpropanal once the reaction occurs with H2SO4 and cooled and separated with toluene the product is a combination of 2-phenylpropanal(an aldehyde) and P2P. Then it was there that the comment was made ....about what I just told you........java

We're  all in this world together,
(Chief Bee)
12-10-03 00:15
No 475745

btw. what would happen if i destiled my ketone and got the mdp3p with it, what would happen with the end product.

Post 438347 (Rhodium: "3-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-propyl-methylamine", Newbee Forum)
12-14-03 21:23
No 476821
      ok THX     

ok lets call this (mdp3p)impurity a problem now thoes this problem find place in the whole Wacker KRV - Ketone's Guide to Wacker-powered Production of MDP2P
found at rhodiums site. there are 3 methodes in ../rhodium /wacker.krv.html one of them is producing some impurity what about the other two thx.
(Chief Bee)
12-14-03 22:08
No 476826

It is very likely that all wackers produce MDP3P to some extent, and as the "three methods" in the document you mention are all variations of the O2 Wacker in an alcoholic solvent, they are unlikely to differ. Only when you change the solvent, the catalyst or the oxidant you can expect any changes in product selectivity.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
12-14-03 22:25
No 476835
      hehe ok thx for the help.     

hehe ok thx for the help.
12-15-03 22:55
No 477061
      btw what is LD50 for the MDP3P formed by o2...     

btw what is LD50 for the MDP3P formed by o2 wackers just a question.
(Chief Bee)
12-16-03 17:36
No 477188
      I don't think that has ever been determined.     

I don't think that has ever been determined.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
12-17-03 00:13
      hmm ok thanks chief :-)
(Rated as: redundant)