topdowner (Stranger)
12-23-03 19:10
No 478759


in this sythesis is written at the end to put the salt into Isopropyl alcohol and after in Xylene. Could I take it not easy into C2H5OH (Ethyl alcohol)???
(Hive Bee)
12-23-03 23:34
No 478790
      XYLENE not xylol........     

From what I have read of this write up the hydrocarbon, AND NOT the corospondinding alcohol of the solvent in question is used to work up the product. This should help.....wink

The fourth try's a charm.
(Hive Bee)
12-23-03 23:54
No 478793
      Xylol = Xylene. On the can it reads xylol but...     

Xylol = OTC Xylene.

On the can it reads xylol but then it says near the bottom of the can on the front side it that it is OTC Xylene.

mr president theres drugs in our residents