tryin (Stranger)
01-03-04 20:59
No 480276
      o2 wacker question     

I am really new to all of this, so I hope this isn't a stupid question. In pupilage's O2 wacker KRV, he states "In this dream state 50gm of Olefin oil is then added to KRV". Is 50gm of Olefin oil the same as 50ml of safrole as the Wacker KRV writeup on Rhodium says you need? If not then what is it?
01-03-04 22:20
No 480289
      No 50ml Olefin oil is not the same as 50ml of...     

No 50ml Olefin oil is not the same as 50ml of safrole. I understand that is is a oil used to help extract the last few grams of your keytone when distilling. (ie. it helps push the last of the keytone over)
(Hive Bee)
01-03-04 22:42
No 480295
      yes its safrole     

yes "olefin oil" is safrole in that case. Safrole belongs to the class of molecules  called "terminal olefins"


If you want divine justice, die.
(Hive Bee)
02-11-04 10:39
No 487857
      Safrole is an Olefin oil.     

Safrole if it were used in the way stated would yield a ketone of good measure.

"Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits." Satchel Paige