stratosphere (Hive Bee)
01-21-04 01:32
No 483647
      deja vu format     

i downloaded the ebook on catalytic hydrogenation, (in the index under miscelanous), its in "deja vu" format do i have to download some software or something to open it?
(Chief Bee)
01-21-04 02:58
No 483667
      Department of the Blindingly Obvious     

If you had followed the "DejaVu" link (immediately to the right of the linked you clicked to access the ebook), or checked out the "required plugins" box at the top of the same page, you would have found the same link as the one posted in Post 330098 (Rhodium: "What is DejaVu?", General Discourse), which in turn would have come up during a TFSE search on the appropriate keyword.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders