ekolo (Newbee)
01-22-04 11:31
No 484053
      vacuum pump question.     

i have a vacuum pump that is 120mmHg is my pump strong enough to distil ketone.
and i have 2 of these pumps is there a methode to conect them bothe to get a stronger vacuum pump just a question.
01-23-04 05:14
No 484180

What I know there should be a higher vacuum
then connecting two pumps.

There are ultra high vac pumps (diffusion pumps)
that pull a vacuum of 0,000000001  torr.

These pumps only run if another vac pump is
(Hive Bee)
01-23-04 08:49
No 484201
      ok then     

ok then my pump is strong enough to distil ketone.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
01-23-04 12:01
No 484232
      > ok then my pump is strong enough to ...     

> ok then my pump is strong enough to distil ketone.


I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
(Hive Bee)
01-23-04 13:14
No 484246
      ok but how about if i had two of 120mmhg is...     

ok but how about if i had two of 120mmhg is the vacuum strong enough. and how strong must a pump be to pull ketone, whats the minimal in mmhg.
(Hive Bee)
01-23-04 14:11
No 484255
      Pump for ketone     

You can distill ketone with an aspirator ( I did it once ) but it takes longer and is more difficult than with a pump. A typical good aspirator vacuum is 35 mm Hg. A typical good rotary vane pump vacuum is 0.50 mm Hg. I agree with Osmium, your vacuum is not good enough. Don't try to add two pumps, get a good one.
01-23-04 14:48
      oh ok thanks for the help and tips i gues its...
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