SoDiumPop (Stranger)
02-04-04 20:47
No 486496
      Does anybee know where ...     

Does anybee know where "" went to this time ?

Are there really other people out there like me ?
(Chief Bee)
02-04-04 21:08
No 486502

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
02-05-04 00:19
(Rated as: redundant)
02-05-04 05:47
No 486496
      Does anybee know where ...     

Does anybee know where "" went to this time ?

Are there really other people out there like me ?
(Chief Bee)
02-05-04 06:08
No 486502

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
02-05-04 09:19
(Rated as: redundant)
(Hive Addict)
10-02-04 19:32
No 534175

A few weeks ago a bee posted this question here.

are there any other places similar to this?

I was reluctant to post the addy because the hosting network installed some trojan/virus detection software and Wetdreams was taken down until a way was found to skirt around this safely.
The resolution presented some higher bandwidth issues that needed to be resolved to continue keeping the site up.
Those figures just came back and we can safely fly under the wire again.
For those that continually kept trying, we apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for the patience and support.
Much of the info found there will always be included and found here as well. The site is meant to be more of a conduct training wheels type site for the more barbaric type newbees that have crossed this threshold here to find themselves banned the instant they typed the first sentence!laughwink
Ibee was the riff-raff type once too!tongue
Still is...but it's nice to know boundries exist and how to act once they are crossed. Alot of beginning wetdreamers/chemheaders are contributing members here this proves there is hope and sites like wetdreams do help when keeping the collective goal in mind!
Nothing can ever replace The wetdreams should never be viewed as such a place.

Barring any more unforeseen technical difficulties...The Hive's "Bastard StepChild"(<__Stoni's Fanclub) is back up!

Still in search of overseas servers, but for now the site is flying under the radar.

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout
10-05-04 11:52
No 534517

Ithank you as well for the time you spend keeping us in line and to the master as well for the home away from home to all is well and hold true dont SELL